Help with aftermarket gauges. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with aftermarket gauges.


Well-Known Member
August 30, 2009
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1998 Explorer XLT
Hey guys, I just purchased and installed myself a new set of Bestcarpart glow gauges.

I used the installation guide from the forum and everything seemed to go well. But, yesterday and this morning when I started my car (it was about 32 degrees outside) the tachometer and speedometer needles stayed resting on the needle keeper even when I was going about 50mph.

After hitting the top of the dash a few times, the needles will lurch in about 10mph increments until reaching actual speed. After about 10 mins, with the heat on, the needles seem to act just fine and work perfectly. This boggles my mind though, because I would think the cold weather would cause the new gauge covers to contract, not expand and jam the needle....

Does anyone have any suggestions??

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maybe if you disconnect the battery completly and allow the computer to reset it might help? im not sure. just an idea but i have no idea if its related.

maybe open the cluster and manually move the needles and see if they are seized?

I had the cluster open when I put the new gauge plates on and they seemed fine.... They also work perfectly when I start the car up after school, when the temp outside is about 80 degrees. It seems to only happen when I start it up in the cold morning....

Oh man, i figured i would have to pull the cluster again. I might just remove it this time.

I second what v8power said, that's what happened with mine. You can pry the needles up JUST A HAIR to alleviate the clearance issue, did that with mine and all is well. Good luck, Mike
