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hhmm 4.2?


Active Member
August 18, 2007
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City, State
Los Angeles, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 4x4
has anybody tried or even thought about swapping the 4.2 v6 out of a nerwe f150 into a first gen?

202 hp on low compression. and you can bolt up a beefy trans to it, im pretty sure it shares the same bolt pattern as their v8's

i know you can fit the 5.0 in there real easy but im thinking to get your truck like BITD legal they want your midsize to have a v6....

any thoughts? just throwin it out there

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some ex's came factory with v8s so as long as you can pass the sniffer you should be fine

as for th 4.2 i dotn know

I dont think it would be worth the hassle for .2liters and its still a v6

The problem you will have in California is the F-150 is NOT the same class of Vehicle as the Explorer....i.e. Fullsize Truck vs. SUV/Light Truck

And in order for the swap to be 100% legal, the swapped motor must be from the same class of vehicle, AND newer than the body/chassis it is being put into..

So a 4.0L SOHC, or 5.0L from a 2nd Gen, or even a 4.6L from a 3rd Gen are legal swaps. Where as the 4.2L V6, or the 5.4L from the F-series trucks are not legal swaps.

The reason for this is, in THEORY the Full size trucks don't have as many regulations on their equipment, and they allow for higher levels of CO, and other 'pollutants'...

For example....the Dodge Viper is powered by a Dodge V10. That motor in that car causes the purchaser to pay what is commonly called the 'Gas Guzzler Tax'.....

When that EXACT SAME motor and transmission combination was put into a Dodge Ram 1500, and sold as the SRT10, it got even worse gas mileage....but the original purchaser avoids paying the Gas Guzzler tax, as that is one of the things that a Fullsize truck is exempt from....


There are stroker kits for the 4.0L to bump it up to I think a 4.3L. Search Google, a few of the Ranger guys do this.

well the reason i was interested in it was like desert racing specs. midsize stuff is limited to v6's unless you race in like "trick truck"... i know the 4.0 OHV can be bumped up but the beefier block of the 4.2 caught my interest... plus pushrod engines make a lot of low end torque which was another reason for considering it instead of the sohc

i know for a fact it would fit into an explorer because the ranger guys do the swap sometimes

i am pretty sure it has less vertical clearance issues than the 4.0 SOHC

that 4.2 is making 200horse and 250ft lbs and thats stock and on the lower rpm range

also (i have lots of reasons for not using the stock 4.0) making 35hp over my current engine on a factory ford engine seems more reliable than building that poor old 4.0.

the 4.2 is a larger version of the 3.8 that was in ......firebirds? i dont really know for sure but some ford car....

just throwing ideas around seeing what you people think...

well the reason i was interested in it was like desert racing specs. midsize stuff is limited to v6's unless you race in like "trick truck"... i know the 4.0 OHV can be bumped up but the beefier block of the 4.2 caught my interest... plus pushrod engines make a lot of low end torque which was another reason for considering it instead of the sohc

i know for a fact it would fit into an explorer because the ranger guys do the swap sometimes

i am pretty sure it has less vertical clearance issues than the 4.0 SOHC

that 4.2 is making 200horse and 250ft lbs and thats stock and on the lower rpm range

also (i have lots of reasons for not using the stock 4.0) making 35hp over my current engine on a factory ford engine seems more reliable than building that poor old 4.0.

the 4.2 is a larger version of the 3.8 that was in ......firebirds? i dont really know for sure but some ford car....

just throwing ideas around seeing what you people think...

Come on man firebird?? Thats GM crap. Your probably thinking of the thunderbird which came with the 3.8l V6.

There were 2 V10's offered through the years in the Ram...

The RAM 2500 and possibly the 3500 was offered with the V10 Magnum

The last few years they offered the Viper V10 in the Ram 1500, and sold it as the SRT10. Read the post again.

I am not at all impressed with the V10 Magnum....I've beaten them in my X.


I'll support your idea of a 4.2 swap. BIG advantage is the tranny and transfer case units you can use (Beefy full size stuff).
I have the Freestar with the 4.2 and it has balls! I use it to tow our tent trailer and it has no issues pulling. It's the same engine used in F150's though transversly mounted for the Fwd van.
If you can find a drivetrain cheap enough (that'll be your challenge), it would make an easy and strong swap.

firebird thunderbird same junk hahaha i dont drive cars lol. and both names have bird in it

the beefier drivetrain was on my mind with the 4.2
even though you can get a c4 behind anything, but i was looking at the stronger manual trans because i like having something a little higher than 1:1 third haha... its not entirely a power issue but just trying to get a strong drivetrain behind a v6

ive seen the engines with stand alone ecu's on ebay for like 1500 so i dont think finding a drivetrain for cheap wouldnt be a big problem

There were 2 V10's offered through the years in the Ram...

The RAM 2500 and possibly the 3500 was offered with the V10 Magnum

The last few years they offered the Viper V10 in the Ram 1500, and sold it as the SRT10. Read the post again.

I am not at all impressed with the V10 Magnum....I've beaten them in my X.


just another side note: waaaaaay back when, the viper was still a concept car, they took the truck block, and cast it in aluminum, and poof, the viper V10 was born. fast forward ---> viper engine, making 600+ horsies. still a truck block cast in aluminum. some changes yes, heads, cams, ect. but still just a truck block. and the viper V10 and the SRT10 are one and the same, thats part of the fuss over the SRT10 trucks.

Also, as a note from a dodge tech, the dodge v10 is a 360 (5.9L) dodge v8 with 2 extra holes. Nothing real special about the block at all. and the main diff between the magnum v10 and the viper v10 is that the viper v10 block is that the viper v10 block is cast out of aluminum.

an explorer engine swap thread being hijacked with v10 engine info? i think it's a sign that you should do a v10 engine swap into your x!

i wonder if thats even possible... fit one of them f250 triton v10s in an exploder?

looking at how much fore/aft clearance you have in the engine bay (at least in x1's), i'd say probably not. at least not easily. it would require extensive firewall and radiator support modification.

I've seen a Triton V10 in the SN95/New Edge Mustang, as well as the Crown Victoria.

The Explorer Engine Bay somewhere inbetween those 2.


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