Hi from England | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hi from England


New Member
May 29, 2010
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Explorer 1996
Just got my 1st explorer, i'v always had Range Rovers. I am used to constant 4 wheel drive with manual high/low change over. My Explorer is 1996 4L V6 with 102,000 miles. how does the tranny work, it's automatic. Also with this milage what should I lookout for.

Thanks Graham.

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Hi Graham,

Check out the UK section.

Things to watch out for are:

Timing chains,
Front bottom ball joints.

Do a search for the auto switch/transfer case.
Do not use 4x4 high or 4x4 low on dry roads as you will break something. There is no third diff on the Explorer.

Thanks very much, so if the switch is set to Auto its in 2 wheel drive, and engages 4x4 when switch to high or low range?

Welcome: If it's set in Auto the transfer case will activate the front axle if it feels it needs to.

Thanks for your help, it much appreciated.
