High Mileage '02 Mountaineer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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High Mileage '02 Mountaineer?


Active Member
February 24, 2008
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'02 Mountaineer
I am looking at a 2002 Mercury Mountaineer. It is in excellent condition, runs great, but has high mileage. How well do these hold up at high miles? It has the 4.6 V8, heated Leather seats, moon roof, all the bells and whistles. I currently already have a 2002 Mountaineer that my wife drives (v6). I love it and want one of my own, except I want a V8 so I can eventually tow my car to the track 3-4 times per yr. The SUV I am looking at has 158,000 miles on it but you would never know without looking at the odometer. I drove it for a while the other day and it runs excellent. The V8 Feels alot more powerful than my V6. The tranny shifted smooth and there was no rear end whine. The interior is mint, the paint is mint, it only has some scuff age on the rear bumper like they backed into something. There are a few things wrong with it, It needs tires, the hood props (shocks) dont work all that great, and the rear wiper doesnt work all that great. I can probably get it for $6000. Good deal or no??


Thanks guys


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I do not know much about the drive train(AWD) but the engine is just broken in. I had a 1997 F150 with a 4.6 and I just sold it with 255000 miles with no trouble and I towed a 20ft boat with it. It did great. Hope someone can give you more info on the rest of the drive line.

Well I bought the mountaineer today. I got it for $5900. I love the leather and heated seats!! We got about 8" of snow today, ya gotta love AWD!! Now I just gotta leave it alone and not mod it... I have my mustang for that;)


Sounds like you got a pretty good deal!:thumbsup:

I have an '02 Limited with 118k on it and I would not let it go for $5900.....

wow in my opinion that was alot.
i got my 02 mounty for 3250
leather heated seats
parking sensors
104k miles
but 5900?

That sounds like a fair price. I have an 02 Explorer XLS with 397000 kms and would gladly pay that amount. Well done.

I got my 2004 mountaineer 4.6L v AWD, all leather, sunroof, for $12,000 and it only had 12,000 miles on it! And that was last year!

But I still owed like $7000 on the truck i traded in, so i kinda owe alot on it.
But no big deal.

Anyways, the AWD systems on the trucks are generally excellent.
You can throw a Eaton style blower on it and make over 400hp, and the entire drivetrain would handle it fine, since its AWD, it spreads out the load of power better than just having a RWD truck.

There was someone on these boards that had over 400hp on a stock engine and drivetrain i believe.....just incase you wanted proof.

I wouldnt worry about Rear whine, because ive never heard of it till a few weeks ago....never really saw posts about it before that.
(prolly just one of those things you hear about all over the internet, but if you goto a dealership the mechanics will tell you they've never seen it before.)

The ONLY thing id be worried about is the transmission, they are notorious for problems......you just gotta go easy on them when shifting gears.
(supposedly this problem was on on explorers, but the explorers and mountys have the same tranny........also I believe the transmission problem was FIXED in 2004 or 2005?)

But you said it shifted fine, so you're good.
At THAT much mileage, it'd be obvious by now.

I'd say buy the truck, but i'd still shop around first.
(but sometimes all it takes is a test drive, not price)
