How easy is a 93 Aerostar transmission swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How easy is a 93 Aerostar transmission swap?


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
Well in the search all over for door panels for our Aerostar. I found one in our own back yard. I had mentioned to a guy I know who has a salvage yard. That I was looking for them. He called yesterday saying he has one and the interior is in great shape. So, me and Flashflood went to take a look. absolutely gorgeous eddy interior. getting door panels and all the seats.

As we were talking, Flashflood mentions the transmission. My friend says when you are done with the interior I will just flip it on its side so you can access the transmission better.

Then my friend says, I think I have a freshly rebuilt A4ld still on the pallet and in the shrink wrap. Never put back in anything. I'll make you a hell of a deal on it. So, now for the question: How difficult is it to do a transmission swap on a 1993 Aerostar 4x4, 4.0?


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Well in the search all over for door panels for our Aerostar. I found one in our own back yard. I had mentioned to a guy I know who has a salvage yard. That I was looking for them. He called yesterday saying he has one and the interior is in great shape. So, me and Flashflood went to take a look. absolutely gorgeous eddy interior. getting door panels and all the seats.

As we were talking, Flashflood mentions the transmission. My friend says when you are done with the interior I will just flip it on its side so you can access the transmission better.

Then my friend says, I think I have a freshly rebuilt A4ld still on the pallet and in the shrink wrap. Never put back in anything. I'll make you a hell of a deal on it. So, now for the question: How difficult is it to do a transmission swap on a 1993 Aerostar 4x4, 4.0?

does the tranfer case bolt to the transmission?if so you will need a 4x4 transmission or swap the housing and maybe the tail shaft.also later trans are electronically controlled.

The several I've done in my driveway, a transmission jack and the access through the doghouse made it a 30 minute removal job. For the installation get 2 longer bolts for the top 2 positions to hold it while seating the torque convertor.
