humming or whisling noise??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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humming or whisling noise???


May 5, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Topeka, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 5.0 Allwheel Drive
I have a humming or whisling noise coming from under the truck. :roll: I think its coming from the exhaust? And I was wondering if anybody would know what it might be?? Or if anyone can tell me how to tell if the catalytic converter is going bad?? Thanks for any help, Eric

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Come on theres got to be some one out there that knows something??????

man we can say so much about this, but i think the board has already covered such issues many many times.. please try using the search feature.. i know ull get a lot of hits, and most of these hits are probably not exactly what ur looking for, but theres a chance that u might just find what ur looking for.. also dont forget that this forum is just one internet site.. there are many many others, im sure you can easily do a Google search and find a few sites that cover how to check the converter..

to test a converter, you will need to check the back pressure - which will be only due-able by putting a gauge through the 02 sensor bung before the cat. Otherwise, another way to kind of figure out if its going bad is by temp. The front of the converter (towards the engine) should be the coolest, and then at the end of the converter (towards the rear) it should be hotter. I would say by 20-30 degrees. If it isn't, it's not doing it's job. Also, when it's not running, bang on your converter to see if the cones are loose and are clogging up your exhaust. I doubt my last suggestion is your problem; it would cause a running/acceleration issue.


I get right on it. And I thank you for your help, Eric

Also is there any converters out there that help performance? I am wanting to put to get better performance out of her and kinda try to get that deep mellow mustang tone out of her.

Is your wine speed dependant? if so, it could be the viscous coupler in your transfer case.

If it changes depending on whether your foot is on the accellerator or not (power or coast), it could be gear whine coming from a differential.
