ignition/seat belt warning bell/buzzer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ignition/seat belt warning bell/buzzer

john cris

Well-Known Member
December 7, 2014
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City, State
Lakeport, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 ford explorer XLT
As much as I love Ford for caring about my safety the warning buzzer is a complete PITA. I want to remove that buzzer from the circuit and just install a jumper. Anyone done this?
where is that SOB located?

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swshawaii already told you about the "procedure" to tell the seat belt monitor to shut up. If you take out 4 bolts and get under the seat, you could short out the seat belt detector wires, but the car might complain about you never unbuckling your seat belt. There is a third way.

I did the telescoping steering column mod while I was in there.;)

My 2002 is an early edition, it might be different than yours. But I found that obnoxious chime behind the passenger front kick panel. It was part of a circuit board -- I knew the chances I was taking, but I find myself frequently sitting in the car with the door ajar and the stereo on (waiting for this or that). I took a drill and a small drill bit and drilled right through the center. Problem solved, and no negative after effects.

I just jammed a wad of electrician's putty in the dinger on my Aerostar.
When I found this one in the instrument cluster, I decided to amputate it rather than risk having to do it twice if I botched the job.

So I too am annoyed by the OMG the door is open and you may not know while the door is open and ignition is on or off of any damn time the door it touched. So where is it so I can kill it 2008 XLT. The seat belt think isn't an issue to me.
