Is my rear diff. about to go? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is my rear diff. about to go?


Active Member
October 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Green Bay, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
My Explorer spt. has always had a little hum from the rear end. Nothing bad but sounds like tire noise, but its not. Anyhow, lately it seems as if the noise has increased slightly. Yesturday I was making about a 200 mile drive, and about an hour into it with the cruise set to 72, all of a sudden the noise went away and it was so quite I could even hear wind noise!! This lasted about 5 miles and then the noise started again. The rest of the 130 miles I drove this happened maybe 6 more times. Sometimes it would go silent for only a few seconds, sometimes a few miles.

It really sounds like loud tires, but you can almost feel a slight vibration in the floor. Does this sound like an axle or rear end bearing? What would it cost to have a shop rebuild the whole thing?

