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Is this someone on the boards?

how far are you from greenville sc

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Probably 2.5 hours. I went to Clemson. Takes about 2.5 to get there.

get a big sticker on the back of your ex, drive it one day then get in front of her and slow down! maybe she'll get the hint haha.

I had the explorer forum plate frame on the civic. She was behind me for a while...guess it didn't work.

Wow. I just noticed you have an 02 Civic and a 91 X too. What are the odds? Is it modified at all? Are you on any civic forums?

No, All I've done to mine is stereo and a K&N filter. I quoted something of yours in another thread a while back saying your car looked really familiar and all you needed was a '92 X.

I asked if you had done the mods or bought it that way. I'd like to know how much of a difference the short throw shifter made...there was something else I asked too, but I don't remember.

edit: here it is

Probably 2.5 hours. I went to Clemson. Takes about 2.5 to get there.

i work in easley so clemson is not to far just 45 mins from me be cool to actually meet up with somewhat near locals and go for some trails

There's a good park in Laurens County, called Gulches. Ever heard of if? I'd be up for meeting there one weekend. I'm no longer in Clemson now, but I have friends up that way.

dude thats my mom!!!

hah just playn!!

we need a thread of just girls in ex

There's a good park in Laurens County, called Gulches. Ever heard of if? I'd be up for meeting there one weekend. I'm no longer in Clemson now, but I have friends up that way.

ive been there twice its been a while since i have been would definately be up for goin again

ive been there twice its been a while since i have been would definately be up for goin again

I just added you as a contact/friend so I'll remember to let you know next time I'm heading that way. I'd like to go sometime in the early spring. I've been once since I did the gears and rear end, but I was easy on it that time.

I just added you as a contact/friend so I'll remember to let you know next time I'm heading that way. I'd like to go sometime in the early spring. I've been once since I did the gears and rear end, but I was easy on it that time.

ill have my front locker in pretty soon so i will be waitn

where is this park at in nc or sc im in va beach and allways lookn for nice places to go that are not real rocky or far

Its in Laurens County, SC, slightly south of the town of Laurens I think. Its a really nice place. They've only got a little land, 80 acres I think, but there's close to 40 very challenging trails in that small area. There's an oval around the property with most of the trails connecting the upper and lower sides of the oval. There's a 400 ft. elevation change from the office down to the creek at the bottom.

LBarr, sorry, I never read your response in that thread. Most of the stuff was done to it before I bought it. But my brother owned it before me, so I drove it stock too. In fact I bought him about half of the parts on it for B-Day's / X-mas' over the last several years.
I would recommend an inexpensive shift adapter, it makes rowing through the gears a little more fun. The Revo seems to break after a few years, and the B&M is just a bit too pricey of a shifter to not be completely adjustable.
I would <3 THIS shifter. Maybe if I win the lottery some day.

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