Just Bought 00' Mounty!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just Bought 00' Mounty!!

DC Larson

Active Member
November 4, 2002
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2000 Merc Mounty V8 AWD

After much playing with the dealer I finally got a 2000 Merc Mounty V8 AWD....fully loaded.....Spruce Green color...24,500 miles. It's beautiful. Owned by an older fella and his wife (I called them). I paid $16,800. I want to thank Stephen, XLT98(?), Frank Rizzo(?)...can't remember names very well. But a lot of folks on this site really helped me out in dealing with the salesman. Ya might think that this may be too much to pay but I did my homework in Montana and went to a few other towns. I think I got an "OK" deal. Not great and not bad. The warranty is still good till 9/27/03. I got that in writing. I didn't trade in our old Jeep Cherokee.

I promised Stephen...I believe... that I would join the Elite Explorer club just cuz of all the help I got. Next paycheck....I am in there!

Anyhow...my immediate mods are to be:

Intake...I want a cold air intake...don't really want the filter exposed....Any ideas? I have a WMS velocity tube on my pickup. It is a cold air intake....looking for something similar.

Exhaust....More performance , better mileage and don't want to lose torque....but not loud....this is my wifes Mounty now.

Chip.....I've got the number off of the computer and it is EQE3. Can someone give me a direction as to where to buy an Apten Chip and to ask questions? I hope I don't need the "jumpers" I have heard about. I have a Diablo Sport Chip in my 00 F150 5.4 litre. Is the Apton chip from the same company? I thot I heard it was.

Any ideas on the Mods and where to get them?

Thanks Again...this is a great site!

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hey.. welcome and congrats about your truck. i got my 00 this past august.. and payed a few more bucks. but only had 15k miles. I also have the same computer code EQE3 as you, but i need the jumpers, so i will be sending my ecu to brian at apten to get it soldered. I have a mac intake on. it cost 135 from www.onestoptruckshop.com .
Exhaust i think magnaflow or flowmaster mufflers with a shop to do the piping is the best bet.
good luck, and use the search function to find great ideas on future mods.

Good Job!

That is a far cry away from......what did they start out at??? $18,500??

comgrats on your new truck!!! welcome to the site!

Thanks Guys....Yeah....It started at $20,500 (windshield price), told me $18,000, got it for $16,800.

Hi Frank! I was hopin you wern't gonna whoop me for buying it higher then what a lot of folks said! Compared to other places in Montana that I checked, it seemed like an OK deal.

Congrats on the purchase! Hope you like yours as much as we all like like ours! :)

Originally posted by DC Larson
Hi Frank! I was hopin you wern't gonna whoop me for buying it higher then what a lot of folks said! Compared to other places in Montana that I checked, it seemed like an OK deal.

That's all that matters! (that it's worth it to you)

I paid over $10k for a 10 year old BMW convertable with 50k miles, NADA said it was worth $8k. I did not care, it was worth it to me. So long as you are happy, you did well.
