Just don't understand these Jeep guys!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just don't understand these Jeep guys!!!!!


Elite Cabin-Fever Captain
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Centralia, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 , 93 & 01 Sports
Most of the guys on the local 4x4 board I also visit are jeep freaks. actually 2 of them are on their way to the 2003 Australian outback challenge with their jeeps.

Anyway I was looking for their assistance as well on my recent brake dilemna. A resounding message came back from many of them and I was like what the heck are you talking about. They were treating like some sort of idiot. Here was their answer to my problem.


Are your rear bleeders up? How about the front? I have made that mistake before installing my rear disc conversion. Gave me fits.

Explain bleeders up??

the bleeders on the calipers and wheel cylinders must be pointed UP, not down

Now as far as the bleeder go. I don't know about yours but my bleeders are straight, no up or down at all

And you're wheel cylinders bleeders' point straight out? First time I've heard that..

I think you need to stop smoking so much 'CRACK', either you don't know anything about 4x4's or that is one POS FORD

Have you ever seen angled bleeders on an Explorer? I went into the parts store in an attempt to find angled bleeders and nothing. Does this mean that their wheel cylinders have a 90 degree bend in them for the bleeders to screw into? I'm just curious now.

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I think they were just trying to say that the bleed screw should be at the top when the wheel cylinders are installed. If the cylinders are upside down air could get trapped at the highest point. I dont know how you could get the cylinders upsidedown though- the lines wouldnt reach the cylinder I dont think. Anyway- the bleed screw should line up with the attachment screws and the hard line comes in below that.
The answers they gave were not very specific - maybe this will help out.
The bleeder screws are all straight

Still having problems getting the air out of the system I guess? Go back and check everything- make sure none of the fittings are off center- it may be worth while to recheck reattach the hard line f9ittings everywhere- make sure the flares are seated while tightening the nut- I always hold the line while turning the nut so that the nut doesnt torque the flare before contact is made.

Edit- If you have a Haynes manual the picture you are looking for to explain all this is on 9-13, FIG 7.4

I got my hose crimper out and blocked off the hose and my brakes gor hard. So its definitely the rubber hose, hard lines or wheel cylinders.

Edit: I hold the lines also to make sure the flare is seated

Typical J.A.P. would you expect anything less from jeepers? :p

They were trying to help!
You can't install the wheel cylinders upside down. The holes for the retaining bolts won't line up.
As for your leak, I agree with Steve, go back through and reseat all the fittings. I have run into this before when installing new lines.

I think you need to stop smoking so much 'CRACK', either you don't know anything about 4x4's or that is one POS FORD

I dunno if i'd call that helping. they weren't interested in helping once they discovered he was driving a ford.

I've read about this behavior before. It happens when oxygen is deprived from the brain... either at birth, or all the way through out life. I directly relates to the choice made while standing at the dealership trying to decide on what 4x4 to buy and then choosing jeep over an X. Obviously a complete lack of oxygen there, right? :D :D

Just kiddin' jeepies! :)

When you bleed the brakes, allways change the brake fluid to just as well, and let at least one (preferable two) ordinary cola cans (33cl) of fluid out of each wheel cylinder bleader, then it doesnt make any difference where the bleeder is placed. and be shure (if you bleed it manually with a person pressing the brake pedal) that you closed the bleeder before the person inside releses the pressure on the brake pedal.
