Just got my first Ford - 2016 Explorer XLT. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just got my first Ford - 2016 Explorer XLT.

Hey guys, I've been reading this forum a little here and there while I researched buying my first Ford (All GM or Chrysler prior). I ordered a 2016 XLT about a month ago and scheduled to take delivery later this month or the first week of January...
Welcome to the community, detroitmikeb!

My name is Tricia, and I’m the U.S. Ford Customer Service Representative. I’m here to help with order statuses, and any questions or concerns. Please private message (PM) your dealer code and order number. I’ll be happy to take a peek! :)

Just curious to know how you are currently enjoying that 2016 truck after hopefully having your early on issues taken care of. I too purchased a new 2016 several weeks ago. So far so good for my wife. and I. (Her car)

I’m glad to learn that your wife is enjoying her new ride. Thanks for sharing the great news, and I’ll be here if you need me! :D

I really want to thank everyone in this thread and FordSupport for all the feedback and guidance...
You’re very welcome, xerais!

It always makes me happy to read post like yours. As always, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to give me a shout! ;)


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Welcome to the Forum.:wavey:
If this one has you nervous, I suggest that you don't read any others. ;)
Keep in mind that any forum like is going have many threads with issues that people have. That is how some found this forum. The vast majority of owners without any issues are not going to looking for solutions so will not be posting here.


I understand and will keep all that in mind. I'm looking forward to being among the Explorer owners here any week! Thanks!

You should take it back. Things the dealer never tell buyers is that you have up to 500 miles to return a car. Take it back and ask for a new one.

please tell me how that works
is it only certain states?

You should take it back. Things the dealer never tell buyers is that you have up to 500 miles to return a car. Take it back and ask for a new one.
If that is the case, it would have to be in the sales/lease contract you sign.


please tell me how that works
is it only certain states?

At best, you can start the Lemon Law process, but even that isn't a guaranteed return. Unlike many state and federal laws that allow you to cancel a contract during what is commonly known as the "cooling off period", it doesn't apply to automobiles. If it did, it would open a can of worms to reverse all the paperwork that is required for a new car sale. This is why many dealers will have a similar model car that you can take home for an evening to determine if it is the car for you. That car will either be a salesman's car or a demonstrator car that is registered to the dealership. Once the new car is delivered and registered in your name, you own it. Your choices are then to either live with it, or trade / sell it back to the dealership if you don't like it. Plan on taking a financial hit on the transaction, because the dealership is going to be selling your new car as a used car, and they still need to make a profit on the transaction.
