Key Code?? I already read the threads | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Key Code?? I already read the threads


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September 25, 2006
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02 Explorer Sport
Okay, so I've read about 10 threads looking for info on where to get the keycode for my keyless entry. I have an 02' Explorer Sport. It seems as though everybody thinks the code will be located inside the jack compartment towards the front of the vehicle on a white casing. I looked. And I looked again. And looked again. There is nothing there. Maybe it is there on other years/models, but not on mine. Can anybody who actually has found the code on their 02' sport please tell me exactly where you found it. I'm dreading the day I lock my key inside and can't use this function. Thanks in advance,


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On the '02 Sport, it was relocated... to where? I don't recall. Search the site a bit more and the answer will turn up. (I honestly don't recall, but you are correct, it's not the jack compartment. It WAS up until the '02 MY)


pafixitman said:

That's great, but the Vehicle Security Module may not be there.

From the service manual for the '02 Sport, the VSM is located behind the passenger side airbag.
Vehicle Security Module
Removal and Installation

CAUTION: Prior to removal of the module, it is necessary to upload module configuration information to the appropriate diagnostic equipment. This information needs to be downloaded into the new module once installed. For additional information, refer to Section 418-01.

Disconnect the battery ground cable. For additional information, refer to Section 414-01.
Remove the passenger side airbag. For additional information, refer to Section 501-20B.
Remove the screws and position the vehicle security module forward.

Remove the vehicle security module.
Disconnect the electrical connectors.

To install, reverse the removal procedure.

It may be possible to view it if you remove the stereo from the center stack, but I can't say for sure. It's only two screws above the HVAC controls, then pop the trim ring off and unplug the switches and buttons. Then, using the stereo removal tools, pop the stereo out. Then, using a mirror on a stick, you may be able to peer around or over the HVAC plenum and see the module. (That's where it appears to be from the pictures)

Good luck!


goe on the web download the owners manual in pdf the location is in the manual
my 04 is supposed to be on the piller of passanger side between open back door and the side window
my sugestion have a plane key without the chip or rubber cover and keep in wallet . walmar auto can do it for couple bucks
also if you can afford it get a 3rd key with chip and put in safe place. i only had 1 chip key and it lost communication so i had to get towed when it would not start and have locksmith with scanner reprogram if i had 2nd key no problem and when you have 2 keys you can program a 3rd chip key from the car

^ If the vehicle was rejecting the key, it's more likely the problem is on the vehicle side and that it would have rejected the 2nd key too.

However, this is a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD topic, so I bet one way or the other, something was worked out by now. Also, none of my owners manuals ever indicated the location of security modules. The only component locations they indicated was the power dist box and cabin fuse box... well radio/etc too if we want to get picky but never any behind-dash anything besides the cabin air filter.

Forscan (the full version) will retrieve the door code.
