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kkm vs. ifab


Active Member
October 20, 2002
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City, State
Marion, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
i have a 91' xplorer with flowmaster cat-back and was wandering if the ifab intake kit is worth the extra $90 over the kkm or is it just personal prefrence?

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i think its jsut personal prefrence
the kkm is really good
wut does the ifab dude is that the metal tube kit ??


I have the Ifab kit and like it. I've seen the KKM on other Explorers and I believe the KKM filter is smaller and the Ifab is more complete with a better flowing tube. IMO:redexp:

they are the same for most purposes... the only problem with the ifab kit other than it does look better and uses a bigger tube, is that it is metal and is susceptible to heat penetration, that will actually warm the air before it gets into the intake... however, both kits are not a cold air system... but the kkm will allow cooler intake temps although the pipe is more restrictive... its basically a tradeoff, you get not as great performance wit ha showy pipe, or a little better performance but no looks other than a filter....

so if looks are not the problem just performance than the kkm is better espeacialy for the $90 savings.

Originally posted by xplore-this
so if looks are not the problem just performance than the kkm is better espeacialy for the $90 savings.

yep u hit that right on the target

