knocking when turning from the driver front | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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knocking when turning from the driver front


Explorer Addict
March 21, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Rockwall tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
ok, i hane a 99 2x4 with rancho 5000 and tt. when i turn a corner or thr truck rocks when u hit a turning bump, there is a knocking sound comingh fromthe driver front tire. i check theshocks and it is ok. my father in law says it might be the A-Arm or the Stabilizer bushing. is there a stabilizer for a 2wd? what is the a-arm? what it looks like? how would i know if those 2 are causing this knocking when turning sound?

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nobody knows what ia m talking about? u know when u turn, the truck rocks.. well, when it rocks, the clunking sound is heard. or when u turn and u hit a speed bump when u turn and the turck rocks left and right.. it clunks on the driver front side only. help.....

Take some wheel bearing grease and put it on the lower control arm where the steering stop conatacts. This will probably stop your problem.

lube your bushiings. and look real close at your control arm. you might have some friction between the arm and the connector. right above the bump stops. thats where mine grinds metal on metal and its a crunchy sound. grease that up real good it will stop for a while.

thank u thank u..will try that this weekend. it is raining cats and dogs here.
