Looking into the next big thing. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking into the next big thing.

Ssgt Pool

February 23, 2010
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My brother has a old shoe box Bronco. He said he woud give me the axles and now I am kicking around putting them under my 3rd GEN on a 4 link suspension. Have been thinking about using stock struts and make mounts to put on top of the Bronco axles. Just wondering how long they are and what about the antilock brakes and electronic 4x4 and lock outs. Any one done this or even looked into this before? I am saying about 38" tires. Also looking into a nice off road winch bumper like they make for Jeep Grand Cherokees. No one makes one so... thinking we need some one to do it for us. Any ideas?

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Macnos was doing a SAS a while back but idk if he has got the time latley between that and working on the 96 F150 manual transmission swap in the Ex. Hit him up a pm.

almost positive you're gonna lose ABS

might wanna make clear what your intentions are cuz it kinda sounds like you're wanting to use stock height suspenion and 38's which clearly aint gonna happen.

No use stock stock ride height. Just stock size struts. being that I will have to make the strut mount on the axle anyway, I can lift it as far as I need to get the 38" tire under it. Figured that I would lose the ABS. But I don't know what is going to happen to the electric 4 wheel drive. I would like to keep the button working. I don't know if they make electric lock outs for that old of an axle.

im not sure how that would work, ill wait for others to chime in

I don't really see using the stock struts coming out pretty - why not at least use leafs with shocks in the rear? Definately PM Macknos94 though, I did because I have been having dreams of 2xSAS as well - he's really responsive and helpful.
Good luck!
Last I talked to Macknos, he said his Mounty was in the shop getting everything finalized and such. He said you have to do a minimum of 6" lift up front to safely mount the axles in place, but if you want 38"s, I think you're thinking of a lot more than a 6" lift. If you want 38"s you will definitely be needing to fully clear the wheel wells to avoid any rubbing. Macknos was doing 35"s, last I recall.

Probably gonna have issues with your steering too. Most likely gonna have to get rid of rack and pinion.

I used a steering gear box out of a Toyota
6 inch lift with body lift and I am rubbing on 37s Grrrrrr
I used a dana 44/Ford 8.8 combo originally. Dana 44 was out of a 66-77 bronco.8.8 was out of a 2001 ex with disk brakes.
All the suspension is from broncograveyard but plan on buying multiple pairs of coils.
I have awd so the electric t case wasn't an issue for me.
Abs is deleted

I got the mountaineer back and know the axle/ suspension are removed. Now I cut down a dana 60/80 combo and am messing with a few sets of dodge coils and leafs so it can handle the 900lbs power plant.

Total cost so far is just over 17k and i wish I bought a 2nd gen to build!
