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Loud Belt Noise


New Member
December 1, 2001
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City, State
albany ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 xlt v8 5.0

Whenever its wet outside and even for a couple of days later my 97 X makes this loud squeeking noise that sounds like its coming from a belt or pully.

Can anyone help.


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how many miles? and is that original belt? if so replace it your definitly pushing the life limit time wise, std is no more than 4 cracks per inch of belt on the rib side, but reguardless a new belt is only about $20 and it takes about five min. to install. certainly worth the piece of mind

probably the belt tensioner pully.. get it fixed soon... my truck was making that sound until one day the sound stopped, along with my radio, and my powersteering.... while I was driving... because the belt had snapped off in my engine bay.. Im just lucky the belt didnt fly anywhere to cause damage... fix it.. now :bounce:

My X is a 97 xlt V8 5.0 and it has around 94000 on it. How do i go about changing the belt, and what if the noise is still there when i change it?
And which belts do i change?


(someone please correct me if i'm wrong), i believe that there is only one belt, in so far as changing it look under your hood for a belt diagram sticker it will show you the routing info and where the belt tensioner pulley is located, if you still have the noise when done, then it may be the pulley, my experience though is if it is only happening when wet and cold it's typically the belt, the pulley would be more of a consistant noise (hot or cold) because its the bearings that are going bad

Ok yes there is one belt. And check those bearings too. The 5.0 X has squeaking problems with it's pulley bearings.
