Except the OP created two separate threads about his new purchase, both extolling how his financing was just barely impacted one way or another. He got the "nice truck" comments in his first post. I didn't mind that thread one bit. For whatever reason, the OP felt he needed to create a second thread. In the second thread, I started to wonder if it was actually as good of a deal as it sounded. On the surface, sure, it looks like a good deal, but dig a little deeper and maybe not as good of a deal as it sounded??? The OP took offense and fired back...cool. Stand up for yourself, nothing wrong with that but he opened himself up to the comments though.
As for telling people how to run their lives, I believe you may be confusing this with me sharing my own personal views. Nothing wrong with that either. Where I think there is something wrong though is how you advocate for not telling people what to do but you turn around and prescribe to me exactly how to respond to the OP's post, i.e. "nice truck" and don't say anything mean. You are doing exactly the thing that you are telling me not to do. On top of that, you make broad sweeping generalizations about how I live my "real" life with very little basis. In my mind, that's criticizing me, maybe even bullying...more behavior that you seem to not want me to do but you yourself do. Please tell me you're smarter than that.