Man I am lovin' my new '15 Limited! I gained a buck and a brand new truck! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Man I am lovin' my new '15 Limited! I gained a buck and a brand new truck!

When entire economies collapse because of this kind of financial reasoning, it IS everyone else's issue. Not to say that's the case with the OP; none of us know his financial situation better than him.

Nice truck though. Can't wait to get a new vehicle in a couple years.

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Congratulations on your new Explorer Dr Plastic.:):thumbsup:
I'm happy to see that you are very happy with the deal and that is all that counts. When I sign my contract it is done only if I am satisfied with the deal I received. It matters not what others think as I am the only one that knows my particular situation and what is best for ME. Enjoy the ride and Happy Motoring.;)


So went from an Xlt to a limited, a more expensive car, and lowered your payment $11 a month without putting any money out of pocket and people think this is a bad idea why??? Congrats to you on getting a car you love and a deal you are happy with. I'm sure you'll have many happy miles with this one as well.

Man aren't you guys a bunch of killjoys! I post my happiness about getting an new Explorer and I get beat down about financing and financial crap. Well Get off your high horses and quit telling others how to live their lives and how to buy things!


Wow... he was happy about his purchase. He's the one that needs to live with it not any of you. I find people that think they know best how someone else should spend their money are the ones most unhappy with the choices they make when they spend their own. The deal was what worked best for him, it may not work best for you or you all just like being a self appointed internet genius and telling people how to run their lives because in your real life you don't get to do that. A simple that's nice new truck is all you have to say, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it. It take more effort to critize and bully someone than not you went out of your way to do it.

Except the OP created two separate threads about his new purchase, both extolling how his financing was just barely impacted one way or another. He got the "nice truck" comments in his first post. I didn't mind that thread one bit. For whatever reason, the OP felt he needed to create a second thread. In the second thread, I started to wonder if it was actually as good of a deal as it sounded. On the surface, sure, it looks like a good deal, but dig a little deeper and maybe not as good of a deal as it sounded??? The OP took offense and fired Stand up for yourself, nothing wrong with that but he opened himself up to the comments though.

As for telling people how to run their lives, I believe you may be confusing this with me sharing my own personal views. Nothing wrong with that either. Where I think there is something wrong though is how you advocate for not telling people what to do but you turn around and prescribe to me exactly how to respond to the OP's post, i.e. "nice truck" and don't say anything mean. You are doing exactly the thing that you are telling me not to do. On top of that, you make broad sweeping generalizations about how I live my "real" life with very little basis. In my mind, that's criticizing me, maybe even bullying...more behavior that you seem to not want me to do but you yourself do. Please tell me you're smarter than that.

You can have a $100 monthly payment if you finance long enough. Monthly payment is just the end result of a long buying or leasing equation, especially when a trade in is involved.

Except the OP created two separate threads about his new purchase, both extolling how his financing was just barely impacted one way or another. He got the "nice truck" comments in his first post. I didn't mind that thread one bit. For whatever reason, the OP felt he needed to create a second thread. In the second thread, I started to wonder if it was actually as good of a deal as it sounded. On the surface, sure, it looks like a good deal, but dig a little deeper and maybe not as good of a deal as it sounded??? The OP took offense and fired Stand up for yourself, nothing wrong with that but he opened himself up to the comments though.

As for telling people how to run their lives, I believe you may be confusing this with me sharing my own personal views. Nothing wrong with that either. Where I think there is something wrong though is how you advocate for not telling people what to do but you turn around and prescribe to me exactly how to respond to the OP's post, i.e. "nice truck" and don't say anything mean. You are doing exactly the thing that you are telling me not to do. On top of that, you make broad sweeping generalizations about how I live my "real" life with very little basis. In my mind, that's criticizing me, maybe even bullying...more behavior that you seem to not want me to do but you yourself do. Please tell me you're smarter than that.

Amen....and then there's the "master of the Forum" moderator PK9 deleting posts (mine this time) that he obviously doesn't agree with (that weren't even offensive)....nice.....

Sorry for all the "generalizations. No harm intended. I forgot I had posted something earlier! I was taking offense against the posts that stated negativity about the financing part. Not all of us can afford to pay for cars outright. I had greatly improved my credit situation and the deals were too good to pass up based on my situation based on the interest rates I was offered. The payment I have was one I have been comfortable for many years and considering how much truck I was getting based on that, I took advantage of it. Like my '13 XLT, Even driving it off the lot I am not upside down on the note. So if I had to sell it for what ever reason I would not be losing anything but gaining!

Like my '13 XLT, Even driving it off the lot I am not upside down on the note. So if I had to sell it for what ever reason I would not be losing anything but gaining!

Yes, but if you subtract what you have into your Ex (down payment plus any monthly payments) from whatever "gain" you have from selling, you're actually losing money.

Similar to your "gained a buck" comment, your overall logic in "gaining" anything is off because you are not looking at the total cost or maybe you actually are but just focusing on the immediate transaction, i.e. the monthly payment or the sale of your Ex. It is this type of logic that I meant to call to your attention. Nothing wrong with what you did to get into your new Ex as long as you don't default on your loan. Again, I was never against the 6 year financing term. I was just trying to get you to see the bigger financial picture.

Note to Self:

When needing Financial advice, go directly to Ford Explorer Forum.

Note to Self:

When needing Financial advice, go directly to Ford Explorer Forum.

Note To Previous Poster:

Sharing basic knowledge, personal views/opinions and anecdotal experience is not actually giving advice.
