MP3 HU w/ Rear seat controls ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MP3 HU w/ Rear seat controls ?


February 8, 2006
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98 XLT
Well I've been searching and I haven’t found an answer yet, so here goes...
I have a 98 xlt with the duel media stock HU. (Bottom of the line) and rear seat controls. My kids LOVE the read seat controls BUT is there a stock HU I can replace it with that will give me MP3 capability?? :rolleyes:

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Yes its called any aftermarket head unit with MP3 capability and a remote control :)

There are no MP3 after market HU that have the capability of the rear seat controls. While I listen to a radio station - My kids are listening to a cd or tape or another different radio station with their head phones on. Spoke to a crutchfield rep and was told nope. :(

I wouldn't have thought so. It would need to be able to use two sources at once which doesn't sound like a common feature. How about an Ipod and an FM transmitter, or an Ipod in place of the stock cd changer? That would allow you to keep the stock HU and have multiple sources playing.

multi-zone/source hu's are like high level alpine navs and dvd players, i think youd still need a normal remote or a separate deck in the back.
