must see, 5.5 superlift info!!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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must see, 5.5 superlift info!!!!!!!!!


Elite Explorer
August 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Yuma, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 xlt, 93 SAS xlt
Hey guys, I bought my 5.5 superlift in november from . if you plan on buying one of these then you need to make sure you get the camber adjustment bushings as well, not only that get the 133 springs, mine came with the 118 and they sagged bad within 3 months. If you already have the lift and dont have the 133's then call superlift and let them know, all I had to do was fax them a copy of my reciept and give them a measurment of the hight of the springs on flat ground and within 6 days they sent me the 133's. and to ship the old ones back was free. just wanted to let you all know what I just went through so you dont. later:D :D :D

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hehe... i just made sure i got 133's..... those things are like gold to come by.... should an allignment shop not have the camber adjustment bushings?

thanks for the heads up

what should the measurements be on the coil springs? I think they sent me the 118's.

right on the box they came in there is a white sticker on the side that will say either 118 or 133.

Thanks for the information.

Thanks for the information on the springs. I am having a shop put on my 5.5" kit on Monday the 8th, I will be sure to call and find out what springs they ordered for the kit. Thank you.

Fortunately I did get the 133 springs...However, I didn't get the camber adjustment bushings...where else can I pick these up for not too much?

hey twotone, I just used the factory adjustments and worked for me fine, all you need is a deep 12mm 12 point socket and loosten the bolt above the upper ball joint and then use a chisel or a punch with a hammer to spin the adjuster, good luck and try that first befory you spend the money, mike:confused: :confused: :confused:

Cool, thanks Mike. We'll be installing the lift this next weekend, so I'll definately keep that in mind...

Does anyone have a part # for the alignment bushings? How well does the 5.5 in kit handle on the street?

any good allignment shop has the bushing for the camber... i like how mine handels the street....

I have the 118, and I like them. They have sagged, but for off-road they do great! I like them just because I can get them to flex a bit. Plus they keep the nose down so it doesn't ride so high.

When doing the spring over in the back, how hard is it to line up the new spring perches? Is it possible to line them up then take the axle somewhere to be welded as I want to do as much of thw work as possible to save money, but I can't weld. And does anybody know any REALLY good welders in Northern NH?

you can do the soa by your self but your gonna need to check out someone who has the super lift or anyother brand so you can get an idea, I'm helping a friend build his x, and he is making his , he works at a welding shop though. good luck, do a search for picts and there are some shots of rearends. good luck


I have had my lift for 7 years, so I do not have the boxes. Is there a way to tell the springs apart?

Are you still going to Tellico this weekend?


BAD NEWS MAN. I was in the process of putting my gears in yesterday and just my f@cking luck, my rear carrier and spidergears are toasted, so I ordered an auburn locker yesterday, so most likely wont be able to, I'm babying it right now till the parts get here.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Too bad man, we'll send pics.:D

Dude, all the stuff you have done to that rig and no locker....yet?
