My 04 4.6L v8 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 04 4.6L v8 Explorer


March 6, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 v8 explorer
Here it is, I try to keep it clean as possible this was my moms old truck and I just love it. Got the 06 mirrors the other day from a junkyard and lucked out because they have all the options! just waiting on my new grille and some wheels. do you guys recomend the belltech drop with 22's? also waiting on my FI BL 15" sub to come in, cant wait to crack my windshield with bass ;)




please let me know if theres anything you guys think i should do, thanks.

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I take it you didn't like the stock 8" sub....:D

Some updates.

upgraded some of my 4 gauge to some knukonceptz. Currently using it for my sub amp but i will pass it on to my speaker amp when i get my 0 guage.


dam back glass hinges keep breaking hopefully this is the last time lol.


Picked up a new door speaker amp, it sounds amazing now.


Also picked up these tweeters, since i got the rockford amp i passed on my old pioneer amp to the tweets so they have their own seperate amp.


Also figured out how to add music videos to my headunit and i grounded the parking brake wire!


So my next plans are to make a knukonceptz order to get my 0 gauge, enough to add a battery to the back of the car as well as do the Big 3. Then im gonna order up another fully loaded bl, make a new box, and order another amp. Should be playing some serious bass soon.

Did you upgrade your mid woofers as well?
