My friend just got IDS and its so fun | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My friend just got IDS and its so fun


Explorer Addict
July 16, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
95 + 11 Ex both XLT
So my friend just got IDS. We enabled remote start, added the navigation part to the cluster (credits to Ford PI mods for the file), enabled dark car, enabled DRL for turn lamps, disabled seatbelt minder (just because I put heavy stuff in the passenger seat and it rings all he time thinking people are there), upgraded my GPSM, etc.

If anyone needs anything done for cheaper than the dealer in the DMV area on a 11 - 15, let me know.

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So my friend just got IDS. We enabled remote start, added the navigation part to the cluster (credits to Ford PI mods for the file), enabled dark car, enabled DRL for turn lamps, disabled seatbelt minder (just because I put heavy stuff in the passenger seat and it rings all he time thinking people are there), upgraded my GPSM, etc.

If anyone needs anything done for cheaper than the dealer in the DMV area on a 11 - 15, let me know.

I have a few questions about the program and required tool. Is it the legit tool or a knock off and what was the price? You can pm me if you want.

IDS jealousy

YEP... I am jealous.. Sounds like fun to poke around the inside of X

YEP... I am jealous.. Sounds like fun to poke around the inside of X

Yeah, it is. I've pretty much taken this car apart all the way with every plastic panel taken off to run wiring, etc. Then I got bored of that and installed a police push bar. Then I got bored of that and now I'm messing with IDS lol. If I ever go on a road trip to New York again, we could give it a try on your sport lol.

IDS envy

Absolutely, I am in upstate NY.. actually I am flying through MD with wife and daughter on Friday to SC for a wedding and back on Sunday so X will get a good work out.. should loosen up that ecobeast pretty good.. It has 1100 miles on it seems like my mileage goes up every day.. Last night I put a K&N on so we will see.. It now has magnaflows and sounds AMAZING!!!

Love to have time to dink with IDS on it.. That is an expensive software program is your friend a ford tech?

yeah I have 2014 limited and would love to have the turn-signals turned on as daytime running lamps, I saw one other day that was like that. and really kliked the way it looked.:thumbsup:

Turns as DRL / IDS

Vstrom, one day my car was at the Stealership I convinced the tech to turn on the "fleet" lighting option as my car did not come with DRL option.. YEA 53k and no DRL or HID Hmmm.. at anyrate. I told them it was under lighting and fleet and after 10 minutes they figured it out. There is a thread here on the forum about it so I can take No credit for it. Only talking my dealer into it for free.. lol

Vstrom, one day my car was at the Stealership I convinced the tech to turn on the "fleet" lighting option as my car did not come with DRL option.. YEA 53k and no DRL or HID Hmmm.. at anyrate. I told them it was under lighting and fleet and after 10 minutes they figured it out. There is a thread here on the forum about it so I can take No credit for it. Only talking my dealer into it for free.. lol

yeah Mine had the HIDs, just not the DRL ambers, I guess I will have to give my dealer call and find out if the pecker wads will do it.:D

Absolutely, I am in upstate NY.. actually I am flying through MD with wife and daughter on Friday to SC for a wedding and back on Sunday so X will get a good work out.. should loosen up that ecobeast pretty good.. It has 1100 miles on it seems like my mileage goes up every day.. Last night I put a K&N on so we will see.. It now has magnaflows and sounds AMAZING!!!

Love to have time to dink with IDS on it.. That is an expensive software program is your friend a ford tech?

Send me a PM if you want to meet up some time. I'd be glad to meet new people.

yeah I have 2014 limited and would love to have the turn-signals turned on as daytime running lamps, I saw one other day that was like that. and really kliked the way it looked.:thumbsup:

Yeah. The feature is under module programming, exterior lighting, and you enable DRL and then enable the type to turn signals. I personally really like it. I also really like the dark car. It really helps decrease the attention draw when I'm in South East DC.

So my friend just got IDS. We enabled remote start, added the navigation part to the cluster (credits to Ford PI mods for the file), enabled dark car, enabled DRL for turn lamps, disabled seatbelt minder (just because I put heavy stuff in the passenger seat and it rings all he time thinking people are there), upgraded my GPSM, etc.

If anyone needs anything done for cheaper than the dealer in the DMV area on a 11 - 15, let me know.

Could you please elaborate what is a "dark car"?

Could you please elaborate what is a "dark car"?

At night time, if I open the door, it doesn't do all the Christmas light stuff like light up the turn signals, rear light, puddle lamps, and interior lights, Basically keeps the car unlit when you open the doors.

My dealer has no clue what dark car is. I wanted dark car enabled so I can run the Explorer at the drive-in with all the lights off.

So my friend just got IDS. We enabled remote start, added the navigation part to the cluster (credits to Ford PI mods for the file), enabled dark car, enabled DRL for turn lamps, disabled seatbelt minder (just because I put heavy stuff in the passenger seat and it rings all he time thinking people are there), upgraded my GPSM, etc.

If anyone needs anything done for cheaper than the dealer in the DMV area on a 11 - 15, let me know.

did you happen to have link to the IDS tool that your friend bought? thanks

yeah I have 2014 limited and would love to have the turn-signals turned on as daytime running lamps, I saw one other day that was like that. and really kliked the way it looked.:thumbsup:
Your profile says you have a 2007 SportTrac limted V8. No mention of a 2014 Explorer Limited. If you have both, you should ad the Explorer to your signature.


Got my VCM II, enabled turn bulbs as DRL on my neighbor's 2011 Edge SEL.

PM me if someone needs IDS in Toronto, ON area.

what is GPSM

I assume its GPS module but I hate to assume and I'm sort of new on Ford Electronic component acronyms.

also how can one get this software - and will it talk to a 2016

what is GPSM

I assume its GPS module but I hate to assume and I'm sort of new on Ford Electronic component acronyms.

also how can one get this software - and will it talk to a 2016

It is exactly what you are assuming!
GPSM - GPS module

VCM II is an OBD device used by Ford service and IDS is ford's software to communicate with all Ford/Lincoln vehicles.
Go to Motorcraft web-site. VCM is produced by Rotunda and quite costly about $1500 US. VCM is updating device so it can be used for all upcoming vehicles. IDS is about $800 a year license (soft is free).

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Just out of curiousity, where are ppl buying IDS? Are they getting one of the hacked $150 dongles, or going all out? I can't justify the idea of spending $800/ yearly on top of hardware to have it, but would love the idea of firing IDS up without having to make a dealer trip every time.
