My "fun" boat experience! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My "fun" boat experience!


Elite Explorer
March 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Wauconda, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT 5.0
It's a funny story, stick with me :)

We’ve had this boat (our FIRST boat) for about a month and a half now, had her out on the water about 10 times.

Our trim and tilt went out on our 17’ Bayliner that’s slipped at a local marina. Well, the problem is, our marina doesn’t have a ramp, and the closest ramp is about a ½ mile away. Just so happens that same marina with the ramp is also the marina that’s going to do the service for us on the boat.

Ok, the boat’s motor is probably at about a 75 degree angle from the transom, water is just over the prop and intake holes. So, my wife and I undock her, and paddle her out into open water.

It’s 94 degrees outside with about an 80% humidity rate.

We both sit at the very stern of the boat to keep the back end in the water more (and hence, have the prop move more water). So here we are, sitting way back going at about a 3mph clip (1700rpms). I can still reach the steering wheel so we’re all set. Then I noticed we’re getting awfully close to shore, we’re going in that direction. I spin the steering wheel back and forth… “What the heck?!” I look back, and my steering cable broke! I kill the motor back to neutral and we frantically paddle it out a bit from shore (lol, motor’s up high enough, I won’t have to worry about prop damage!). Ok, back in gear, going at a nice 3mpg, and now I’m manually steering the boat by physically turning the outboard with my hands.

We get her docked at the service slip, no problems – a nice experience, but no problems!

We get everything out, and get ready to go. My wife’s car is parked at the service station, and my car is at our marina, so the plan is to jump in her car, drop me off at my car, and we’re home!

“Hey wife, where’s your keys?”


Lol – what a “fun” night!


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Sounds like you 2 had fun!

Boats.... ya gotta luv em when you are not hating em.....

did you ever find her keys?

Heh heh, good one.

I bet you'll never buy another Bayliner..."Bottomliner"

No offence, but that story solidifies their reputation.

Good fun! I know the feeling of being broke down with a few skimpy paddles and hundreds of miles of open water.

LOL - the keys were in my truck back at the marina :)

As far as Bayliners go... I don't think it matters what the manufacturer is when you're talking about a 20 year old boat :)

Plus, it was the trim/tilt and motor, not the boat.

But oh well, it's gettin' fixed now, I'm just scared what the bill is going to be :eek:


Yea, 20 year old boats are a charm. My buddy has a 79 Ranger 22' which is nice but has it's quirks. Like the trim motor and linkage.

If that happens again and you have a wrench you can loosen the hydraulic line and push the outdrive down manually (hydraulic fluid will squirt out onto engine bay). We have done it a bunch.


I know the feeling......
The first outing this year for my boat (back in may), we broke the prop......
The last advice I was givin before I launched was "watch out for the very shallow area's of this lake, it's a prop eater"......
Braidwood(an Illinois cooling lake) claimed another!


I love boat stories. I love boating, oh and I cant say enough about my little 78 Bayliner, that is one stout hull! It;s tough, I know the Bayliners went way down hill in the 80's but my little 15'er is tough.

Car keys can be such a PITA when you are boating! Man I was getting ready to make a run to my truck for more outboard oil, when I was getting ready to push off from shore I realized that my truck keys were in my tackle box on shore so I yelled to my buddy to HAND them to me. Well he found them and no sooner then I said "DONT THRO" sure enough he tossed them. It was a good toss, but they still managed to slip through myhand, bounce on the bow, slide off into the water. OKay so it's like 2' deep where I was at and I was able to actaully see themand picked them up. Problem is the alarm transmitter is on the key ring.

I spent the next two hours sitting in my truck withthe alarm blaring trying to figure out the damn valet switch ignition alarms shutoff proceedure, I must have had 6 people ask me if that was my truck. Oh and he still owes me a transmitter.........

Oh and I need a bigger boat for wakeboarding, next year is the plan.....

I have a 21' Sea Pro. Great fun when it doesn't have problems. I love the Chesapeake Bay!
BOAT = Bet On Another Thou$and :D

