Napoleon Dynamite dance... I need t3h m0ves! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Napoleon Dynamite dance... I need t3h m0ves!

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Ligers rock!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Those aren't called ski boots though. They're called "moon boots." :D

I don't know how to help you with this but keep at it. My buddy TJ and I went to a costume party awhile back as Napolean(me) and Pedro(him) and did this same thing for everyone. We took first place but it was just fun to do. K I've said my peice..........I gotta get back to teather ball. :D

I just saw the whole movie... yep, that Napoleon dance rule! LOL. Running off the stage would be the best part. If you get it perfectly, I'd bet you get a standing O. :D

That dance is just a compendium of standard late 70's disco moves... Everyone did that stuff back then - well almost everyone - some people made a carreer out of hating disco... :rolleyes: :D

Oh god..

Yuppers... I'm sitting here dying laughing because all the young pups are thinking that Napoleon Dynamite is something new!

Heck - your parents did that stuff... :D :D

And I'll lay odds that at least some of those somewhere around 22-25 were conceived in the back seat of an old Chevy after a session on the old lighted floor... :eek:

glfredrick said:
Yuppers... I'm sitting here dying laughing because all the young pups are thinking that Napoleon Dynamite is something new!

Heck - your parents did that stuff... :D :D

And I'll lay odds that at least some of those somewhere around 22-25 were conceived in the back seat of an old Chevy after a session on the old lighted floor... :eek:

Luckily my parents only had FORDS! :p

:eek: He is pathetic. Hopefully you could perform it a little better. Or is that the point. Yes we did have some moves similar to that, but hopefully they didn't look like that when we did them ;) . I take it that this is from some movie I managed to miss. I bet that will be fun to perform in front of the school. Enjoy yourself! Be sure to get it on vid.
Fred Astair meets Pee Wee Herman

AspenX said:
Yes we did have some moves similar to that, but hopefully they didn't look like that when we did them ;)

Sure we did... but we were surrounded by a couple hundred kindred souls that were doing the same things so it didn't come off quite the same. :D

Just for fun:

Here is even an illustrated dance chart with the steps...

I gotta subscibe to this thread. The guy in the movie that plays the "jock" (short cropped blond hair) is in the same USAF Reserve unit I'm in. The funny thing is that he is a chaplain's assistant and a really nice guy. I can't wait to see the video. :D

Order a copy of D'Qwon's Dance Grooves to help you learn.

I heard the actor was a dance champ in cali for 4yrs so he knows how to move.

glfredrick said:
Sure we did... but we were surrounded by a couple hundred kindred souls that were doing the same things so it didn't come off quite the same. :D

Not necessarily. There is something to be said for those with skillz. ;) Of course if I did that now (27 yrs later) it probably wouldn't be too graceful, but I hope not that goofy either.

ions, He probably is a good dancer and just having to act a part. It takes talent to look bad when your not. In movies and tv shows they dont usually want you to perform at your best, they need a certain effect created. I know, been there done that, several times.
OK now what movie was this from?

"What are you going to do today, Napoleon?"

"Whatever I feel like, what do you think!?" :D
