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NASCAR chase

i'm really hoping Gordon makes it in, but it sure looks like it will be another Roush championship. He's got 5 out of the ten chasers. Thats pretty tough odds to beat for the other guys.

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although I must say that I really used to be into racing when i was younger, back in the 80's and early to mid 90's before all the multi - car teams. Racing isnt team commands from someone saying ( okay mark pull down let kurt in front of you). Seems like since Big E died it's just huge multi car teams and every week it's either a Roush / car or Hendrick car in victory lane. As I said , i used to be a HUGE ,, HUGE fan of racing but now it's becoming something that I'm not as interested in. All though I will keep up w/ the daily news and victories, I never watch a whole race anymore. oh we'll I'm sure the'll pick up a few more followers!lol,

dtl 2k2 sport said:
although I must say that I really used to be into racing when i was younger, back in the 80's and early to mid 90's before all the multi - car teams. Racing isnt team commands from someone saying ( okay mark pull down let kurt in front of you). Seems like since Big E died it's just huge multi car teams and every week it's either a Roush / car or Hendrick car in victory lane. As I said , i used to be a HUGE ,, HUGE fan of racing but now it's becoming something that I'm not as interested in. All though I will keep up w/ the daily news and victories, I never watch a whole race anymore. oh we'll I'm sure the'll pick up a few more followers!lol,

I agree. I would love to see them limit them to on car per owner. When they tell on of their cars to drop back or let my other car pass you it reminds me of some boxer purposly taking a fall or a baseball team losing on purpose. Which is highly illeagel. All 40 some cars should race their heart out to win. And another thing, Having so many cars on your team is like one football team having 5 more players on their team playing for the same championship.

looks like nobody likes jr. i personally can't stand him. i hope jeff gordon makes it in but it's not looking too good...i'm gonna have to say stewart or martin this year

I'm in my mid 20's so i remember back when rusty and mark, terry were all continders. Now it seems like they are all about my age or younger and all have chips on their shoulders. Racing is just not as much fun as it was back in the day, and it's going to the point where every team will have 5 cars minium. Who ever thought we see the day that Childress is struggling,,

Just finished watching the race. I guess Gordon is out :( . At least Jimmie Johnson is still in their, so its close to still having Gordon in it as he owns part of the 48 car.
Time for some teams to start rebuilding. Now who you guys gonna pick?
I say Jimmie, or (don't laugh) Jeremy Mayfield.

Ahhhh, I hate Kurt Busch. He even looks like a weiner. I stopped watching race when Jimmie got knocked back.

BeauJ said:
Ahhhh, I hate Kurt Busch. He even looks like a weiner. I stopped watching race when Jimmie got knocked back.
I can't stand him either....he doesnt deserve the #2 car :fire:

I would have loved if McMurray or Newman took over

aldive said:
Jr, Gordon, and Harvick out; Rusty and Mark in. All is good.

Glad to see Martin make it in for his last year. Highly unlikely, but it would be great to see him take it all.

actually i think Kurt B is a puppet, he's been preached to sooo much to act and carry hmself in the interviews. I'm glad he's not cussing a storm like jr (brat) but these guys need to be more real and less polished. But i'm going for the older guys now that mikey is out and Jeff G, is out, GO MARK AND RUSTY,,,

BeauJ said:
Glad to see Martin make it in for his last year. Highly unlikely, but it would be great to see him take it all.
I'm pretty sure that this won't be Martin's last year. All reports I've seen have him back in the 6 next year, unless something drastic happens with the 42.(ie Harvick leaving the 29 for the 42) :confused: Who knows... My head is starting to hurt with all these team changes, and Gordon not being in the chase. We have now entered BIZARRO NASCAR world!!!
