Need help asap, alternator wires 4.6L Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help asap, alternator wires 4.6L Explorer


Well-Known Member
June 9, 2010
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Nashville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Limited 4.6L
On the stock wiring harness that plugs into the alternator there is a red with green stripe wire and an orange with blue stripe. What are those two wires?

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I really need help. Stuck until I can figure this out.

I believe one wire goes back to the instrument panel for the check chraging system light, and the other is a 12V power feed to excite the feild windings in the alternator so it can start charging.

So with the regulator I have FLD, Ignition and ground. Does the field one you are talking about need to go to the FLD on the regulator?

I do not have a wiring diagram so I cannot say for sure. Are you trying to replace the voltage regulator?

No this is a whole new high output alternator with an adjustable voltage regulator. Trying to figure out how to wire this all up.

I have the Ford wiring manual for '04. Orange with light blue stripe is the 'sense' or voltage reference wire. This goes to the battery junction block and gives the regulator the battery voltage to control charging.

The other one is not so simple - the light green/red wire goes to the PCM for 'alternator enable' and fault detection (lighting the 'charge' light). From the manual - 'PCM enables alternator by sending 8-9V to the regulator. There can be a delay to help the engine idle to stabilize after a cold start.' and 'If PCM senses 12V or 0V, it will send a signal to the instrument cluster to turn on the charge light.'

Probably your '03 is the same. But to do this right, you would need an alternator compatible with an '03 and not a 'generic' alternator that will bolt to a 4.6.

Alright, thanks for the info.

I'm really lost on this :(

bump. If someone could tell me what the two small wires that go into the plug in the stock alt go to, that would be great!
