Need help identifying loud clanging noise (vid) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help identifying loud clanging noise (vid)


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March 2, 2015
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2000 Explorer Eddie Bauer
It increases in speed when the throttle is opened, but not at the same rate as the RPMs increase.

This started suddenly while driving in the city, car was warm (Had driven ~25 minutes to grocery store and was ~10 minutes into the drive back home)

I performed an oil change (Along with filter) and a transmission fluid change (plus filter) less than 1000kms ago. Oil wasn't terribly dark, no sludge in it.

This is the SOHC V6, I hope this isn't a timing chain issue due to a bad tensioner, would that sound like this?

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Sounds like lifters not pumping up to me or some other similar head related issue.

Sounds like lifters not pumping up to me or some other similar head related issue.

Edit: Nevermind I found the replacement parts online and it looks like they are hydraulic lash adjusters, looks like I'm going to have to pull the valve covers and take a look.

Before I remove my intake and pull the valve covers I'm going to dump a can of seafoam into my oil and run it a bit.

Anyone have any other suggestions before I begin surgery? It would be very helpful.

I've done a ton of reading today and now I'm wondering if there's any chance this is a timing chain problem? I know the chains haven't snapped because the car runs without any loss of power (I drove it about 5KMs home after the sound started) and I haven't thrown any rods yet but I'm wondering if a chain guide might have failed and the chain is slapping against something?
