Need professional help with transmission (6f55) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need professional help with transmission (6f55)


September 6, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer Sport 2017

I cannot find any help with my problem on any forums. My problem is that since some time I can always notice while decelerating the car the shift from 6th to 5th gear. It happens around 43 mph. The shift is not hard, but i can notice it with my body. All other shifts while decelerating the car are VERY smooth so I cannot feel them. This shift is always to feel since some time.
I changed different pcm tunes, and went back to stock- no difference, so I mean this problem is caused by hardware, not software. I changed completely the oil, I relearned the trans, but this problem stays. Overall the trans is working good. The car milage now is about 50k.
I need help from professional transmission guys how can guess what could be the reason for such behaviour.

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Mine clunks and jars me from time to time. Been doing it since I bought it. Have 138k on it.
I just deal with it, its a Ford.

I can feel mine downshift @ ~40mph as well.
Has done it since new and I'm at over 80k miles now.

I agree with KayGee, if you need professional input, take it to a transmission shop (or dealer).

If you have dealer check it out, they'll probably say it's normal. My comment is that it's common, but not normal.


I cannot find any help with my problem on any forums. My problem is that since some time I can always notice while decelerating the car the shift from 6th to 5th gear. It happens around 43 mph. The shift is not hard, but i can notice it with my body. All other shifts while decelerating the car are VERY smooth so I cannot feel them. This shift is always to feel since some time.
I can feel the downshift slightly as well at around that speed. I think it is perfectly normal. I believe my 2014 MKT did the same thing.


Aren't there pro builders in the transmission / transfer case section

I can feel the downshift slightly as well at around that speed. I think it is perfectly normal. I believe my 2014 MKT did the same thing.

Thanks! I will just ignore it.
