Need some Info Before the Dealer Sticks It To Me! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need some Info Before the Dealer Sticks It To Me!


November 12, 2003
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98 explorer AWD
You Folks have always been good with Explorer problems , here's another!
As I drive down the road accelerating I get to about 40 MPH and on occasionally I'll get a "Burp". Nothing real big just noticeable. Yesterday, took it up to 70 MPh and it was continuous. Backed off, no problem. Took it to the local dealer and had them look at it and they ran all their tests and have come up with nothing. Said they'll do a cold start in the morning to see if they can "re-create the problem". I told them just to take it out on the freeway and run it, they said (do to insurance reasons) their Master Tech will run it with a labtop hooked up to see what problems occure.
In May they replaced the extruder seals and the IAC. In January the transmission was rebuilt. Not having a good Ford year! Last Thursday (because of the burping and farting) I replace the fuel filter,oil,oil filter and air filter. So thats my Story what can you "Explorer Guru's" tell me!! Thanks in advance anything you offer will be appreciated. Bill

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Can you be a little more specific than "burp"? This would help a lot. Please try to be a detailed as you can be, since we aren't there and can't see or hear what you truck is doing.

Ill take a guess at what the burp is, LouD noise out the exhaust when letting off the gas Like a semi in engine break mode only it has a lot of timing issues right?

Thanks for responding.....

The Burp is like a miss, and then at 70 MPH its more noticeable.

Could it be a fuel pressure regulator problem or a fuel pump problem.

If you park the car and bring the RPM's up to freeway speed, does the problem occur?

No. The dealer just called and said they can not find anything wrong at all!! They did say that the key security showed a fault but that was it. the "master Tech" that drove it home could not re-create the problem I described, but said that he could feel the front axle kicking on! I asked the service rep if they disconnected the sensor to verify and they said "no, it shows no problems on the computer. If someone has a copy or TSB # that refers to this problem, then please sendit right away. I'm going there this Pm and pick-up my X. He said if I bought a new set of tires that may cure the problem. The service rep did say they measured the circumfrence but did not say it was off. Thanks Everyone Bill

Most likely an ignition miss, though hard to diagnose. When was the last time you did plugs and wires? What's the condition of the spark plugs? The coil packs on the V8s are KNOWN to fail slowly over time. When this happens, they read fine on diagnostic meters and don't trigger the CEL, but will cause a bucking/surging/missing at low RPMs or high load situations.

I had something similar several yrs ago but in my Ford car. The failed or partially failed part was the TPS.
