Need to make sure I'm ordering correct parts for m5r1 rebuild | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to make sure I'm ordering correct parts for m5r1 rebuild


New Member
June 30, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Mazda B4000
I recently bought a 94 mazda b4000 4.0l 4x4 that needs 3rd and 5th gear. Can someone please explain to me what exactly the 5th gear (2001-up) is? That seems to be the only 5th gear for the countershaft I can find, and it's really confusing me because I would like to buy the correct parts the first time. If someone knows the difference between the 2001+ and the old 5th gear please let me know. If I need the older 5th gear I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

Welcome to the forum!
I moved your thread to the Transmission section, to help you get an answer.
