New to me: 08 Black ST Limited! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New to me: 08 Black ST Limited!


New Member
November 25, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Naples, Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Ford Sport Trac
I just bought an 08 black Sport Trac Limited on black Friday. I found Serious Explorations when researching the purchase. I have read a lot of the threads and found a bunch of helpful information. So far so good. I do have an odor from the A/C vents that I have read about online which will require me to open up the system and do some cleaning, but the rest of the vehicle attracted me so much that I feel it will be worth it. Heard a lot of complaints about the milage, but I just sold my 93 Bronco and the Sport Trac is much more efficient and fun to drive. I also appreciate it's slightly smaller size than my two previously owned F150 super crews. I look forward to posting what I find in the A/C cleaning and I am exited about personalizing this cool looking truck.
