Newbie from Philly | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie from Philly


February 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Philadelphia, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt v8
Hello everyone,

Awesome site. I just got my 97 xlt v8 about a month ago. When I bought it the front differential was bad, so I replaced it and also did some maintenance to it. I LOVE this car :thumbsup: . I was so happy when we got that big snow storm in Philly last week, I just couldn't wait to test my baby. That car drove like a tank in the snow, man I hope we get more snow!!! :D lol Always loved the Explorer, now I got one and couldn't be happier.

Thanks for the website, great info found here.

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Welcome to the Forum Philly.

Welcome, I like your enthusiasm about your X. Sounds like some mods are on the way. And don't mind getting a few nicks and scratches along the way. So many people want their suvs so squeaky clean that they never really know what they have. That paint is only a few MMs thick and is only one dimensional anyway. Now add some off-roading and it becomes 3 dimensional.

Welcome to the Foum Philly -- From NE Philly -- Tons of Information and Great People Here -- If We can be of Help - Just ask

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

As a matter of fact I just found out where to locate my code for the keyless entry pad on the door.

Welcome. I'll be heading out to philly in two weekends. Were around there are you from?
