No gas pedal response | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No gas pedal response


Active Member
February 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
14 Exp Ltd 4x4 3.5L TiVCT
Hi there! I just replaced my outside air door in my 04 Explorer XLT following this post:

Got everything put back together and the truck started and all HVAC is working perfectly. However there is no response from the gas pedal at all. I do have the wrench service light lit as well.

I have tried the various "start, slowly push on the pedal" processes I have found here and other places. I have also re-seated the connectors to the gas pedal assembly to make sure it is plugged in properly. I traced the wiring from the connector back to the harness and it seems to be intact. Could the wires have pulled out of the connector?

I have cleared the codes following this video:

But nothing. The wrench remains and the gas pedal produces nothing.

Is there a fuse that controls this assembly that may have blown?

Thanks for any help that can be provided. I really don't want to tow this into the dealer and face the DIY blundering shame. :mad:

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As it's a drive-by wire, either your TBI unit failed or you have something that got unplugged or pinched.

Update: between 2 and 4 am last night there was no response. This morning at 9am I did the CPU clear following the video procedure above. Following that there was no response.

Since the check engine light was on today as well I picked up a code reader and before I plugged it in this evening I checked to see if there was any change. It started right up and responded normally. Apparently it just needed to rest after surgery. :)

There are 2 codes reported P2104 - MAF or VAF A CKT Intermittent and P2112 - IAT Sensor 1 Circuit Low Input. I suspect those were both from when it started and ran really rough while the throttle did not respond.

The wrench light has gone away as well. I will drive it for a while to see if the Check Engine clears.

Is it normal for a computer reset to take that long to complete?

Having the same problem with an 04 4.0 after cleaning the TB and MAF sensor. Actually, I drove it without reseting the PCM like you're supposed to and it accelerated fine, just had a slightly higher idle. Decided to disconnect the battery and do the relearn procedure. Let it idle and come up to temp. for about 15 mins. Tried to drive it. No throttle at all. Just sits around 1K RPM.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Yep, that is exactly what happened with mine. It sat at 1K for the idle and would not respond at all to the pedal.

After mine sat for a while not running it just came back on its own and has worked since.

My computer cleared the CEL after a couple of days and the functions are all normal.

After about a month I cleaned the TBI and did not have to clear the computer or reset it either.

Sorry I can't be more help.

This helps more knowing maybe it will clear on it's own. Weird though. I have a one problem: I'm not near it. The X is about 300 miles from me. I was there last weekend working on it. It's my sister inlaws. She was complaining of rough idle.
and poor milage. So i figured it was the TB. It was....and it was filthy. now it's doing this.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. This at least gives me something to go on rather throwing parts at it or doing further, unnecessary procedures.

I noticed over in the 4th gen forum, they have a lot of issues with the same thing of going into 'fail-safe' mode. Seems pretty common on the later models.

Tried it. No change. This is getting frustrating.

Tried it. No change. This is getting frustrating.

Did you do the code reset from the link above? That may have been what fixed it for me.

Yes. That's what actually caused the problem. It worked fine before clearing the PCM.

No sweat.

I have to drive back there now and figure it out. It's only car and she has kids, so it has to get fixed.

