Oil from where? Saudi Arabia, Ah? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil from where? Saudi Arabia, Ah?


November 29, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XL SOHC 4X4
To all our American friends:

Which country is the largest crude oil importer to the USA these days?
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Iraq
C) Mexico
D) Canada
E) Venezuela

West Texas Sweet crude hits $77/barrel today. For those of us who lives in Calgary Alberta, we are in a middle of a "Dutch Disease" syndrome (i.e. real estate price went through the roof in the last 30 months, apartment rent doubles, you cannot hire anyone for less than $10/hr, skilled trades are impossible to find, high end restaurants are all booked up for dinners, and a lot of Ferrari's and Hummers on the street). Fort McMurray, Alberta is like a wild wild west gold rush town these days.



Cana duh?

Same story is true here on the gulf coast, if you can spell oil you can have a job.
