Power windows are not working. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power windows are not working.


New Member
April 6, 2011
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City, State
Miami, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac
I am the original owner of a 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac. Over the last couple of years some issues have started to accumulated, which I am now ready to start resolving.

One particular issue I would like to resolve is the increasing number of power assisted items breaking. It started with the rear power window, followed by both rear door power windows, and now the side rear view mirrors. Both Front Windows still (luckily) work. I checked the fuses and none are blown.

Anything else I can check as a novice?

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Welcome! I agree, the wiring in the rubber boot between the door and cab are known to break. This could be the cause of the door glass problems but the power rear window will be a separate issue.

When checkng for wiring problems..Look to see if you also have water issues. I just pulled up my flooring to see my wiring harness laying in an inch of water...If you have any cracks in your wiring...then bye bye windows...water wins...I have also just sprayed down the tracks of my windows cause they were jumping liek crazy on the way down.. A little white grease spray helped out! With silicone spray in the tracks!

Good call...yep broken wire in the harness



Welcome! I agree, the wiring in the rubber boot between the door and cab are known to break. This could be the cause of the door glass problems but the power rear window will be a separate issue.
