Project little green exploder still haven't paint it but that's going to be the name of the truck | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Project little green exploder still haven't paint it but that's going to be the name of the truck

I know this isn't an Explorer but this is another project I'm working on as well 86 Nissan hard body 32" tires underneath last time I took it out I swapped it soak the computer now I don't wanna run

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Yeah, those electric parts don't like to be wet!

This is the mind potel I got it in if I wouldn't shut it off I probly when a had a problem but I shall


Finally got the new tires dismounted off the old rims mounted on the new rims got amount on little green and tested them in the mud 265 70 r17



Got a 8500 lbs whench just need to get a whench mounting plate


Blew out the passenger side wheel bearing again but it has been a year and I did put a used one on the 1st place but the summoner replace both pastor and driver side brand there going to be another junkyard set for right now until I get the money to buy the wheel bearings and until the truck with any lock brakes comes available Get but new lights on it throw and I'm going to get the whench on Soon got the whench mounting plat just got to mod my bumper

Well just got the bumper moded to put the whench on just got 4 bolt holston drill in it to finish it up

Got my whench on my little green explorer and wired up got to trim the brush gard so that it will fit on were it was at be for I bolted the whench on



