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question about my truck for rims

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It shouldn't make a diference if you have manual or auto locikng hubs. You don't remove the hub to change a flat. Your hub sticks out now. Ford just uses a little plastic cap that snaps on the lug nuts with a hole cut out in the center. Any after market wheel company should have a center cap for four wheel drive aplications for protruding hubs

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Yea all you need is the Caps that have a hole cut or either jsut dont run the front center caps.....

heres are after market rims with no front center cap

you cant really tell but it has no center cap...

some Rims the opening in the Cneter will NOT be big enough( this is tru to rims that are like 20"s or 18"s).... and you will have to have them drilled out......


PS:: on a side not any one no where i can get some open ceter caps for my wheels ??

Just go to a local dealer that sells your brand of wheel. If they don't stock them they can order them. That is what I did. I bougt a set of Eagle 589's off ebay that didn't have the center caps. I think mine ran about $5 a piece.
