Rain water leaks onto the floor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rain water leaks onto the floor


Well-Known Member
July 13, 2004
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'99 XLT (4x4, SOHC)

First of all, please let me congratulate all of you active members for this great website dedicated to the legendary ;) Explorer (I acquired one recently - a 99 XLT with the v6 SOHC). So far this site has truly helped me out more than the Haynes repair manual I also purchased for the truck in terms of maintenance and general knowledge.

I do have a small problem with the truck however, and I would appreciate any assistance. It seems that every time that it's raining, I get a small puddle of water near the parking brake pedal (which is first visible from under the gray plastic molding that touches the carpet). I've read some posts about it being the windshield seal, and already sealed the whole bottom and bottom corners of the windshield (haven't tested it yet though).

I would like to know if I may also seal the two holes on the roof that make contact with the rubber windshield seal/gasket on the outside (those factory "holes" seem to be for evacuating water from the two large grooves that stretch all across the roof though, so I'm wondering if sealing them with silicone is a good idea). I've also read that it might be caused by some leaking seals in the wiper motors' compartment, but would rather not have to take all that apart, unless proven to be absolutely necessary (access seems pretty restricted down there).

If anyone has fixed this problem and found the source, please let me know, as it seems to be a common problem according to the posts I've read. Thanks in advance, any input would be very much appreciated.

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My windshield leaks at the very top. I've had 4 windshields put in due to rock damage and the installers at one of them gouged the metal gutter area under the seal. You need to lift the rubber flap of the exterior seal to see it. The gutter has rusted and rain will leak in (but only on my passenger side). I am planing on having my windshield replaced in a month or so and will repair the gutter damage @ that time. I called the glass company and they will come to my house and removed the windshield for me, and come back when I'm ready to install the new one. If you're not replacing your windshield then I would use silicone sealant and really seal the crap out of the entire upper seal (under the flap).

Thanks for the replies, it is much appreciated. I think that I will seal the whole windshield at this point... I don't want to replace it since it's in a perfect and factory original condition, plus I don't have the $$$ to have it replaced or removed and reinstalled right now.

I'm just wondering if sealing the upper "gutter" holes is a good idea... but then again I think it's better than having rust inside the body and a floor smelling like mold. :(

Does it get wet wile sitting still ?
Or just when you drive ?

It gets wet when the truck is not driven and just sitting on the driveway for an entire day during rain... that's what I found odd about the leak as it seems to be coming from above and dripping down somewhere near the door or firewall (inside the panels).
