Rattle at WOT... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rattle at WOT...


Well-Known Member
July 26, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Denham Springs, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ranger STX SC
When I mash the throttle from any speed my Ex makes a lot of rattling noises in the engine bay. When I do it in park or neutral it doesn't happen. When I ease the throttle over 3500RPM it doesn't do it.

Has anyone had this problem before? A Ford whiz told me to swap the IAC but I'm hesitant to just start swapping parts. Suggestions?

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Does it sound like marbles bouncing in your engine? If so, that's detonation and a very bad thing. Pull your plugs, see if you're running lean.

It does, but wouldn't detonation seem at least mildly related to RPM? this isn't- it's the same sound whether mashing it from a stop or already rolling.

Either way, I've picked up some injector cleaner and will run that through my tank. Going to swap fuel filters tonight, run two tanks of fuel with additive, then change the filter again. I'd forgotten to change it when I first got it going after it sat up for two years. If this doesn't help or reslove it I'm going to hook up a fuel gauge and see whether I'm losing pressure under a load.

Any other ideas are certainly welcome.

Cleaning your MAF (i think you have one) will help as well. Mine was running lean from a dirty MAF

I had a very similar issues last week. When it first occurred when I first bought the explorer, I cleaned the MAF and it went away. It started happening again and I just replaced the plugs and wires and it went away.

Wow... I just replaced the fuel filter. As soon as I removed the line on the engine side it came blasting out, all foamy and smelling like ass.

I absolutely could not blow through the filter in either direction- I think it was vaporizing just to get through the filter. I'm genuinely impressed that it ran as well as it did. I installed a Purolator and added some additive. I'll put more additive in the next tank, then I'll change the filter to a Wix that I also picked up today.

I shouldn't have neglected swapping the fuel filter. I'll post up some results after I drive it a bit.

How hard was it changing the fuel filter? I think I am going to have to do that soon as well. I seem to be getting the ping still. I have no clue what else I could do but change this filter.

You need to get the plastic fuel line disconnects. If you go to any parts store and get a reasonably non-idiotic employee they should be able to help you. It'll take a 5/16 fitting. You clip that to the fuel filter line and slide it into the braided hose of the fuel line. It pushes a clip inside the hose to free it from the filter. You need to slide it so the fat collar on the disconnect butts up against the hose, then pull hard on the hose. It may take a good bit of force if it hasn't been changed in a long time.

As for me... I honestly can't get over the power increase just from changing the fuel filter. It's like a whole new vehicle. It's still quirky, though- VERY brief stumble before it'll rev up at idle and still getting the rattle if I mash it, but I also only put maybe two miles on it since I changed the filter. I'm going to drive it to work and back a couple days, then Wednesday I'll do plugs and wires and possibly also the IAC, per my buddy's recommendation.

I'm really tempted to drop the cat and "clean it" on the inside, then set it back in place, mostly as a resonator. I need to see if I can figure out these WOT issues first, though.

Any recommendations on a good plug?

It sounds pretty simple. I just need to locate the fuel filter and find out what you are talking about. Where exactly can I get a new fuel filter? Pepboys? Napa autoparts store?

Any parts store should have them in stock. Spend the couple bucks extra and get a good brand.

The filter mount is located in the driver side frame rail right behind the radius arm mount.

I guess thats what that rusty black cylinder is. It was in my way when replacing the bolts for the radius arm bushing. Alright then, I will try doing that today.

Quick update: replaced the air filter, plugs, and wires. I also cleaned the MAF. These are all maintenance items that needed to be done anyway, so I went with it. Hopefully it'll help. The plugs were almost impossible to break loose and were all severely toasted from running lean. I didn't get to drive it but will give it a couple bumps on the throttle on the way to work and see how it feels.

Just free-revving in my driveway, there's a brief hesitation between mashing the pedal and the response of the engine. Any clue where I'd start to chase that down?

Thanks for all the help so far, guys!

did you reset your computer after cleaning the MAF? Either buy pulling the fuse or disconnecting the battery for about 10 mins?

I didn't- wasn't aware it was necessary. I've never worked on a MAF Ford before- I'd always stuck to speed density. I'll reset the computer tonight and see what I get.
