Rear seat options with child seat anchors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear seat options with child seat anchors?


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2015
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City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT
So our 2015 Jetta has the little anchors that you can clip a car seat into down at the bottom hinge point, and I couldn't find anything on here saying what years got those... my 2002 does not, it just has the ones in the cargo area for the over-the-seat strap that no carseats these days come with.

Would I have to do an entire 4th gen seat swap? That might be pricey, but worth it in the long run. I'm already planning to replace all the seats and do a 3rd-row conversion on this truck anyway, so the added cost of a full set of 4th gen seats vs a full set of 3rd gen seats won't be a big concern for me on this project.

Edit: To be clear, I'm talking about the lower anchors, not the top tethers (which are in the back cargo area as noted by Number4)


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They are mounted to the floor behind the 2nd row. I have a 2nd row from a 4th gen (does require some modification btw) I don't recall the seats themselves having attachments points. I'll look at lunch.

Edit: my 4th gen rears have lower seat anchors.


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They are mounted to the floor behind the 2nd row. I have a 2nd row from a 4th gen (does require some modification btw) I don't recall the seats themselves having attachments points. I'll look at lunch.

Edit: my 4th gen rears have lower seat anchors.

what year 4h gen? safe to assume that whatever year you got out of and later will have these.

How much of a modification are we talking about here? is it just swapping brackets from seat to seat or is it more like cutting and welding?

Is that a 2nd-row bucket? I would assume bench and bucket would have to have them..

Those hooks were mandatory in all new cars starting in 2004. So '04 up should have them

The modification entailed drilling a hole where the 3rd gen used a bolt and the 4th gen didn't. Pretty easy. Others have just not used the bolt, but I prefer peace of mind.

I have 2004 buckets and console in mine and they have seat anchors (first two pics). The third pic is the 1/3 side of a 2003 second row bench- it also has the seat anchors. That came from a bench out of a 7 seater vehicle- I can't say if a 5 seater would be exactly the same. So 3rd gen does have the anchors in the seats, but just not in your 02. The 02 Explorer had seats that in many cases were a bit of a hybrid between 2nd gen and 3rd gen. I had a 2nd gen previously and the second row look very similar to 02 second row. Changes were definitely made in 03 seats. You should be able to find usable 3rd gen seats from an 03-05.


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BTW, look for the 2 grey "dots" on the seat, there is actually a little pic of a child seat on them. It's an easy way to identify that the seat has the anchors.


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Pulled the whole 2nd row out of the garage to get a good pic for you. Again, this is from a 2003 7 seater. The two outboard seats have the anchors, the middle doesn't. The one outboard seat is just missing the little grey "buttons", but the anchors are there. I'm also including a close up of the "button", so you can see the image. The button has no functionality, it's just to indicate the anchors are there. These 3 seats fold independently and the 2 outboards also tumble because they are from a 7 seater. I hope this helps.


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So our 2015 Jetta has the little anchors that you can clip a car seat into down at the bottom hinge point, and I couldn't find anything on here saying what years got those... my 2002 does not, it just has the ones in the cargo area for the over-the-seat strap that no carseats these days come with.

Would I have to do an entire 4th gen seat swap? That might be pricey, but worth it in the long run. I'm already planning to replace all the seats and do a 3rd-row conversion on this truck anyway, so the added cost of a full set of 4th gen seats vs a full set of 3rd gen seats won't be a big concern for me on this project.

Edit: To be clear, I'm talking about the lower anchors, not the top tethers (which are in the back cargo area as noted by Number4)


I added several pics and explanations in my previous posts- have a look.
