recent ac issue...3 and 4 blow the same | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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recent ac issue...3 and 4 blow the same

My 04 did the same thing when I bought it, the blower speed was the same on 3 and 4. If I moved it slowly between 3 and 4, it would go to speed 3 at about 3 1/2.

When I got my Ex the same was happening to me. When I removed the old switch I noticed some melting of the connector and the switch didn't feel right when switching from 3 to 4. Replacement of the switch cured all ills. :thumbsup:

The OP has replaced his switch and didn't notice any out of the ordinary with the switch or wiring.

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Did you change the blower motor resistor? Normally that is the problem, I have had to change it 3 times (2 trucks).

Tower, the OP has changed the resistor. The troubleshooting steps I PM'ed him include steps for checking the resistor.

Would you mind sharing this? On my Ex speeds 2 & 3 are the same and I'd like to track down the issue. There was definitely some overheating of wires at the switch, there is some slight melting (will post pics when I can).


Check your PM. :biggthump

Missed that, sorry
