Rolling up Odometer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rolling up Odometer


September 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Hillsborough, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 EB
I switched my old cluster with that of a new ST a few months ago and I think its time I had the odometer adjusted to the correct mileage...but I'm having a few problems...

First off, not one shop/dealer/anything I call will help me out. They all talk to me as if i've commited second degree murder...."You did what???? Without proper dealer documentation???" Blah blah so whatever sue me. I'm not selling my truck anytime soon so I could care less about the legal aspects. Since they are no help that led me to my other option.

After scouring the boards for threads on rolling up the odometer, I found one and tried exactly what was described, but to no avail. I can't get it to roll up at all for the life of me.

Now i'm kinda stuck with an odometer reading 3k miles. I'm afraid when I get it inspected theyre gonna point the death finger at me and fail me. Hell, I failed last year for having a street legal brush guard but whatever the case...

Anyone have any suggestions how I can roll it up? Any secret methods? Thanks...

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They failed you for having a brush guard????!! Holy @%#! Sorry, i don't know anything about the Odomater, but good luck!

LiKuiD said:
I switched my old cluster with that of a new ST a few months ago and I think its time I had the odometer adjusted to the correct mileage...but I'm having a few problems...

First off, not one shop/dealer/anything I call will help me out. They all talk to me as if i've commited second degree murder...."You did what???? Without proper dealer documentation???" Blah blah so whatever sue me. I'm not selling my truck anytime soon so I could care less about the legal aspects. Since they are no help that led me to my other option.

After scouring the boards for threads on rolling up the odometer, I found one and tried exactly what was described, but to no avail. I can't get it to roll up at all for the life of me.

Now i'm kinda stuck with an odometer reading 3k miles. I'm afraid when I get it inspected theyre gonna point the death finger at me and fail me. Hell, I failed last year for having a street legal brush guard but whatever the case...

Anyone have any suggestions how I can roll it up? Any secret methods? Thanks...

Remove the unit, expose the number faces, push on them hard with a sharp object, and they will move. You have to put in enough oomph. My experience comes from an older non-licensed beach vehicle only. But remember, it is a federal offense to commit odometer fraud, so most locations won't get involved.

Before I sold my cluster to Section, I only found one shop around me that would do it. I would be much better if you didn't have it in the car already. Or make a waiver saying that you aren't going to commit odometer fraud and get it notorized at a court house.

If you cannot roll your odomoter forward you should take a piece of duct tape or something similiar that doesnt come off very easyand write the mileage before you installed the odomoter on that and then put it next to the manufacturer's sticker on the driver's side door... According to what I have read as long as you do this it is legal to change your odometer. I am no expert or anything at this and sorry I can't help you with rolling your odometer.

BeauJ said:
Before I sold my cluster to Section, I only found one shop around me that would do it. I would be much better if you didn't have it in the car already. Or make a waiver saying that you aren't going to commit odometer fraud and get it notorized at a court house.

That shows a good intent, but I seriously doubt it would hold much validity in court.

performancenut said:
That shows a good intent, but I seriously doubt it would hold much validity in court.

Perhaps, but I don't see why he couldn't put he original back in, say it stopped working, add the extra miles and tell the them to put it on the new one. There has to be a way to mess one up and short it out.

BeauJ said:
Perhaps, but I don't see why he couldn't put he original back in, say it stopped working, add the extra miles and tell the them to put it on the new one. There has to be a way to mess one up and short it out.

performancenut said:
Remove the unit, expose the number faces, push on them hard with a sharp object, and they will move. You have to put in enough oomph. My experience comes from an older non-licensed beach vehicle only. But remember, it is a federal offense to commit odometer fraud, so most locations won't get involved.

I've tried that on my old cluster, only to scratch the numbers. I'm afraid if I do it to my new one i'll f them up too. You've actually rolled up the ones on explorers?

I think I might put the old one back in and bring it to a shop and play dumb and say I want the new one rolled up. But that way I would be ignoring the 3k miles which I wouldnt want to do. I dunno, there's gotta be a shop around here willing to do it even with the old cluster in it.

YOu couls always put your truck up on jack stands and let it run in drive until it gets to teh correct milage, like Ferris Bueller tried.
