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Well-Known Member
July 31, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Montpelier, Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Sport

I shopped around my 96 Sport yesterday, was thinking of trading it in on a new truck....imagine my surprise.

Apparently, it's value has decreased by over 30% in ONE YEAR, due to the Firestone/Explorer thing. 13 months ago, when I bought it, Blue Book value was $13,000 (39,000 miles). Now, it's apparently worth only $7500 trade-in? (55,000 miles)

That's quite a hit, even though trade-in value is less than what I could get selling it on the street....

If I can find a buyer that would appreciate the modifications I've made, maybe I'd do ok...but the dealers are all friggin crooks.


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Actually I was kinda curious that when my lease ends I might be able to pick it up or one like it for a good chunk of change less. A good thing in my case.

That's because the $7500 value is as a trade inat a dealership, and NOT what you could sell it for yourself. I'm sure you would get over 10,000, probably more.

Well, let's find out.

I've posted it in the For Sale Section.

Good luck selling it. SUVs and cars in general arent selling AT ALL right now..

Ive been trying to get rid of our 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee for 3 months and have gone down $3000 in price. Im litterally taking it without grease on the price now and barely able to make 3 car payments.
Ive gotten 4 calls in 3 months.. Spent over $100 in Trader, local paper, Ebay etc advertising.

folks are afraid to buy anything the way the economy is.

Dealer crooks

You can expect a dealer to bend you over as much as possible. I used to work in the business (not as a salesman, thank God!) and I know how much they plan on for mark-up.

They figure they'll spend a couple hundred getting it cleaned up and ready for the lot. The salesman gets his cut, maybe $500. Then the dealership tries to make at least $3000 on the deal.

SO, they're gonna offer you $4000 less than what they can sell it for. $7500 for you, means $11,500 for them. Sounds just about right.

That's why I sell cars to individuals and buy cars from wholesalers. Right now, though, people are a little nervous about the economy, so it will take longer. Hang in there. If you can hold on to it for another few months, I'll bet you find a buyer.

A friend of mine works at a dealership as a salesman. He said that when it comes to trading in a used vehicle they take certain things into consideration to come up with the value that they tell you.

They will figure out how much they can sell it for and then calculate the salesman's commission. They deduct the commission off of your vehicle's value. They deduct the tax and title off of your value. So when they tell you it's only worth $7500 it's because your paying the commission for when they do see it and then they might say we will throw in the tax and title for free...when they already paid for it out of your vehicles value!

