Serious electrical or PCM / TCM problems. Car died while driving... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Serious electrical or PCM / TCM problems. Car died while driving...


Explorer Addict
November 16, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Rockland County, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
06EB V8
I am dealing with number of issues now on my 06 EB. I am still trying to fix my kicking tranny that sends the car to the fail mode.
I finally downloaded forscan, got the EML327 and see more codes that I could see with my Innova 3160.
This morning, while driving the car just died when I approached a small hill and had to give more gas.
I restarted it and it's fine since then. But I pulled the following:

P0600 - Serial Communication Link Malfunction
P2015 - Throttle Position Input Out Of Range Low
P2107 - Throttle Actuator Control Motor Processor
P2110 - Throttle Actuator Control System - Forced Limited Revolutions Per Minute
B1318 - Battery Volt Low
U1900 - Controller Area Network Communication Bus Malfunction Receive Malfunction
U2023 - External Node Malfunction
B1676 - Battery Pack Voltage Out Of Range
B2290 - Occupant Classification System Fault
U0101 - Failure to communicate with the TCM

Some of them I know what happened - I left the key in the ignition and killed the battery.
I am thinking if my alternator or battery is dying since I know that low voltage will just trigger all kind of codes, even on good parts.

Anybody has a general idea what's happening with my car ?
The 21xx codes point to the throttle body...

I agree with your throttle body assessment. Is it still the original? However, verify the battery and alternator and all battery/charging connections first before going after the throttle body. The U and B codes are most likely just because of the way that the battery was disconnected.
