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Shock Recommendations

should i tell them that its for an explorer? or will it be like ordering a bodylift where you cant mention its really for an explorer or they wont sell it to you.

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I just told her I had a '94 Explorer and she started typing in her computer and read off some part numbers. They're fine with Explorers

Bilsteins tech support # is 800-537-1085

Shane is the guy you want to talk to.

Yep, Shane is the off road guru over there at Bilstein. Good luck getting in touch with him though. Leave a voice mail and he'll call you back.

Doug, did you check out the pics of my front end in profile? Make sure you click on view all at the bottom. It handles AWESOME except for the blown tranny on the floor in the garage.


Shane is the guy to talk to? I don't know, I just talked to whatever customer service person answered the phone, and she keyed some things in her computer then told me everything I needed to know. (I hope)

Yeah customer service is all you need, but if you're planning on doing wierd things like cutting and moving shock mounts or anything custom Shane is the person to talk to about custom applications. For what you guys are doing customer service should be able to help you with what you need.


I have had the Monroe Sensatracs for about two weeks now, and they do a great job on the road, and I haven't bottomed out since I put them on. I know the Rancho 9000s are a great shock, but for under $160 for all for installed they are pretty hard to be.

i just called up bilstein and they sent me right to shane, he said that the stock size shocks would be fine for about 1.5'' lift in front and 1'' in the back. the part numbers for a 96 explorer awd is:

front - b46-2133
back - b46-2134

I'm suprised nobody mentioned OME shocks. (Old Man Emu)

Seems like I've always heard that they were the best available for our applications...

I've heard of OME, but don't know anything about them. Could yuo shed some light on the subject?

two months and still like the monroes on and off road.
