Someone verify seat belts please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Someone verify seat belts please


Well-Known Member
February 22, 2007
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City, State
Portage Lakes, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer Sport
Ok...just replaced the 2nd row seat belt buckle behind the driver's seat and when I was finished I realized something just doesn't seem right in the design...or maybe something is just wrong with my Explorer. In the pic here I marked everything with color coded lines. Something in my opinion is backwards in the yellow circled area. If the middle belt (blue line) is used it has to go behind the belt behind the driver's seat (green line). It seems like the green lined buckle should be located where the bottom of the blue lined belt is (the 2 mounting points in yellow circle should be switched). Can anyone else verify that this is the way their second row seat belts are please.


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Here's a picture of my rear seat, which is a 2013 XLT. The belt buckle receiver and support pillar are reverse of yours.


Here's a picture of my rear seat, which is a 2013 XLT. The belt buckle receiver and support pillar are reverse of yours.


They might be different due to mine having the inflatable outboard seat belts for second row seats. Anyone have the inflatable belts that can chime in please?

They might be different due to mine having the inflatable outboard seat belts for second row seats. Anyone have the inflatable belts that can chime in please?

I have the inflatables and it is identical to yours.

I have the inflatables and it is identical to yours.

That's odd. That middle seat is going to suck on road trips. Mine is closer to the driver's side so there's more room for the middle passenger.

This is from google:

2013 with inflatable seat belts:

2015 explorer:

2016 explorer:
