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Speakers for sale


Elite Explorer
October 17, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Honolulu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLS
*************FOR SALE***************

Pioneer TS-A6865 3-way 6 X 8 speakers

- 2 pair

- $70.00 per pair

Used the speakers for 2 months while putting together my real system. Never amped...just run off my Alpine HU. Nice speakers. I do not have the box's anymore (sorry), but I will box them up safely/securely for anybody that is interested. I will pay for shipping.

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they blown? any damage?

i;m interested when i get the mulla!!!!!! if theres nothing wrong w/ them!

how much bass ya get from them and how much volume come from them if run off the HU?

zero damage........not blown!! I prefer component's and thought I'd give the fellow X owners first dibs:D. Bass was not the greatest...they are only 6 X 8's, but decent for a first system. Dynamat really enhanced these speakers. Power from HU.....will depend on what brand/type of HU you have. Generally, most HU's put out no more than 14 to 20 watts per channel, if your lucky.

i still got the stock HU.

put it this way. does it sound better than stock speakers?

Yes...they sound better than the stockers but not by much.......only noticed about a 50% improvement over the stock speakers. What really woke these things up was my aftermarket HU and Dynamat or some other type of sound damping material!!!


i'll think about buying them. no that important to me right now.

one question. whats the diference from 2 way speakers and 3 way speakers?

Speaker sale

Actually, not much difference at all between the sound of 3-ways & 2-ways. The only difference visually, is the additionional speaker on the 3-way's. Frequencies are split up between the three just like the 2-way's....but....being that they are placed right on top of the woofer....the sound deifference is minimal.

2-way speakers actually have 2 seperate speakers, usually a woofer cone for the bass, and a tweeter for the highs.

3-way speakers have 3 seperate speakers. 1 Woofer. 1 mid size tweeter for mids, and one small tweeter for the highs.

Most stock car audio speakers you find are 2 ways, with a cheap paper cone as the tweeter.

3 Way speakers are more expensive usually because when you split the sound up between 3 seperate speakers, you have greater control over the overall sound response from the entire speaker, which in turn means sound with a lot more clarity.
