Speedometer fluctuating & clicking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Speedometer fluctuating & clicking


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February 12, 2005
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1994. Any one else had they explorer do this? Mine only does it at higher speeds 70+ and it is extremely annoying. the needle bounces around between 60-80 and makes this clicking sound. any ideas on what is causing this? is there a fix, maybe swap some gears in the cluster, a new cable? Most people usually say it is the cable but it usually speeds up 10 mph faster then what I am actually going so I can't see this being the cable.

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Yep, Mine used to do the same thing but hasn't had that problem for the past year.

Mine does it but only from like 5 to 20 so its not too big of a deal for me, but if anybody knows what is causing it i would like to know

speedo cable dry? try lubing it, disconnect at the gauge panel, and spray some teflon grease down it, may smooth it out

mine does this at around 70 and only when cold but it hasn't done it lately but...I don't know.

Mine used to do that, especially in the winter, then it got really bad, and would jump from 0 to as far as it would go the other way. Now it's stuck pegged at the other end. So I don't have a working spedometer at the moment. Yes, I know i need to fix it, but it's hard to tear the dash apart in the parking lot of my dorm. I'm planning on going home next weekend to hopefully fix it. I wish the rest of you luck as well.

My '94 just started doing the same thing. It also affects the cruise control, so I assume the cruise uses the same cable? If this is the case, what does the VSS control? I would have assumed it would be easier to pick up the Hall effect signal of the VSS than to tie into the manual cable. But I might be over-thinking things again. I'm thinking I'll try lubing it first with some silicone spray, then replace the cable if necessary.

I had that happen on my old 94 sport. I replaced the cable, & the cable head, & lubbed it. None of that worked. Happen after I pegged the neddle past the 85 mark to the end. I think that breaks it.

I'm out of your "generation" here. but on my '96 i've got a very small fluctuation at higher speeds (+/- 2mph) and only noticeable at steady speed or when cruise control is used.

1994. Any one else had they explorer do this? Mine only does it at higher speeds 70+ and it is extremely annoying. the needle bounces around between 60-80 and makes this clicking sound. any ideas on what is causing this? is there a fix, maybe swap some gears in the cluster, a new cable? Most people usually say it is the cable but it usually speeds up 10 mph faster then what I am actually going so I can't see this being the cable.

Mine is more like a whirring with a click at the end..whirrclick... BUt like yours, only seems to do it above 70mph. It seems to be worse when its cold. Reminds me of an s-10 p/u I had. Speedo cable would start making this sound, and about 500-100 miles later, would quit. The sending "gearbox?" that the speedo cable would screw into would strip a gear. I know almost nothing about how the Ex is set up, I have only had it for a month, still trying to learn it and fix all the "minor irregularities."

I tore mine apart yesterday, and lubed it up, now instead of being constantly pegged, it works part of the time, still fluctuates a lot. I've decided it's not worth all the trouble to tear it apart again. It's driven on the highway 95% of the time, so I don't really need it. I just use my tach.

I thought the 94's used a speed sensor and it's all computer controlled? Mine has done that a few times, either the stereo was up really loud draining the alternator, or i was going down a really low maintenance road. Other than that, it doesn't do it.

Mine used to do the same thing. usually at higher speeds I would be running about 60 or 65 and everthing would be normal. then the whirrclicking sound would start and the sucker would start bouncing from 60 to 80 then it would stop.

I replaced the guage cluster (a used one) and it stopped, for 2 years, and now its back but it seems to be worse. now it does it at all speeds.

So Im gonna replace the Cluster again and check out the speedo cable and the little gear that goes into the tranny that you can replace when you get larger tires.


I don't understand how a dry speedo cable could cause the speed to increase 20 mph and hold there for sometimes as long as a minute. My speedo fluct. has no affect on my cruise, it still works great.

It's kinda funny, before I bought the explorer 5 years ago I took it on a test drive on the freeway and even a little wheelin'. As soon as it was paid for and I was on my way home it started doing this.

I would post an attachment of a zip file of a vid clip but I am not allowed to post att. yet I guess. Is anyone out there willing to post the att. for me. I can email it to you. I will make sure it is relatively small.

On another note I put in a K&N last night and gteched it before and after and there was really no diff in the 0-60 times. Hopefully it will help the gas mileage a little.

Ryan1 said:
I replaced the guage cluster (a used one) and it stopped, for 2 years, and now its back but it seems to be worse. now it does it at all speeds.


It seems it has to be something in the cluster. Maybe I'll just put in everything new that has to do with the speedo. All I know is I've tried to pull some clusters at junk yards and that speedo cable is an SOB not only to get off(haven't been succesful yet) but just to get to.
