Stopping Movement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stopping Movement


December 7, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport Trac
Ok, got a 03 sport trac 4x4. She's got around 82K on her, and its a love hate thing.

I love it, but I hate the crap that keeps going wrong!

Here's the newest problem. When I am come to a stop, sometimes it feels like theres a movement up front somewhere, or somethings shifting slightly.

Just had brakes and tires done. The wheel bearings are only 6 months old. New upper ball joints, and tie rod ends.

The other slight issue I'm seeing is when I'm at 75-80 MPH+ it vibrates. It's not in the tires because the steering wheel doesn't move, plus the tires are new, probably 1200 miles on em. Read it might be the drive shaft out of balance, or the U-joints.

Just seeing if one the guru's here can maybe give me a couple pointers. Thanks!! :)

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The vibration at those speeds sounds like what mine does, I wanna say its the ujoints in the front driveshaft. Where at on Pittsburgh do you live? I'm on the Northside by Riverview Park, maybe we can meet up and I can check out the truck to pinpoint the problems.

Do you go offroading? I went one time and didnt get a clump of mud out of one of my rims and it made a vibration at high speeds. As far as the movement, I had that when my rotors were warped. But you said you got the breaks done so if they put on new rotors im not sure!

Do you have an ABS light on? Possibly an ABS fault, maybe ABS is "over-active/sensitive"? Could be a number of things.

The vibration at those speeds sounds like what mine does, I wanna say its the ujoints in the front driveshaft. Where at on Pittsburgh do you live? I'm on the Northside by Riverview Park, maybe we can meet up and I can check out the truck to pinpoint the problems.

I'm up 28 towards Cheswick. It's at a garage in Sharpsburg getting inspected now. Haven't really persued it with my mechanic yet.

Do you go offroading? I went one time and didnt get a clump of mud out of one of my rims and it made a vibration at high speeds. As far as the movement, I had that when my rotors were warped. But you said you got the breaks done so if they put on new rotors im not sure!

Nope, I keep the rims cleaned out when I'm off road. Made that mistake before. LOL

Brakes were completely redone about 6 months ago, new rotors, they're still good.

The movement happens when the weight shifts back when I stop. Once in a while I hear a click or a Pseudo-clunk, but it's not that loud.

If I stop really slowly and gradually it doesn't do it.

Do you have an ABS light on? Possibly an ABS fault, maybe ABS is "over-active/sensitive"? Could be a number of things.

This is why I had the wheel bearings replaced a little while ago. One side the bearings were shot, the other the sensor was toast.

I really appreciate everyone throwing out ideas, I'm not a mechanic by any means, hence why I'm asking yinz. :)

"yinz" LOL

My family is from Washington, PA. Don't know why but it makes me chuckle every time. They are equally amused with the word "y'all."

Anyways.....Here's my illegitimate guess:

Is the steering rack loose? Maybe the inner tie rods or the whole rack and pinion itself where it bolts to the front crossmember. I would assume this could also create the vibration you're experiencing.

i had the same problem in my ranger. I never did figure out what it was and it happened randomly. I always thought that it was the brakes .

"yinz" LOL

My family is from Washington, PA. Don't know why but it makes me chuckle every time. They are equally amused with the word "y'all."

Anyways.....Here's my illegitimate guess:

Is the steering rack loose? Maybe the inner tie rods or the whole rack and pinion itself where it bolts to the front crossmember. I would assume this could also create the vibration you're experiencing.

Yup, born and raised a yinzer. I went to Cal U, so I spent a lot of time in Little Washington, not far from the college. :)
After I got it back from my inspection, it still did it. Had another bad tie rod end, plus a bunch of emergency brake issues.

It's probably the u-joints or *four letter word* transmission. :mad:

As soon as I can get the thing up on a rack without needing to pay for it, I'm going to grease the slip yolk. The above posted thread gave me the push I needed to wrestle that one myself.

Funny thing is, I can build houses and highways / bridges, but I can't build trucks.:scratch::D
