"Storm Trooper"; Timeline from Conception to Delivery to us.... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Storm Trooper"; Timeline from Conception to Delivery to us....

B]UPDATE; ETA to dealership moved to June 25, 2012 (makes it easier to wait until July 3, 2012 for incentive changes)[/B]

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B]UPDATE; ETA to dealership moved to June 25, 2012 (easier to wait until July 3, 2012 for incentive changes)[/B]

My tracker shows that your ETA has an asterisk next it. An asterisk can annotate that this date may have a difference of about 7-10 days and is subject to change.



My tracker shows that your ETA has an asterisk next it. An asterisk can annotate that this date may have a difference of about 7-10 days and is subject to change.



7 to 10 days EARLIER or later, or just later. Either way, I was shooting for a July 3rd delivery, so I am happy it is under way. Thanks for the follow-up.



7 to 10 days EARLIER or later, or just later. Either way, I was shooting for a July 3rd delivery, so I am happy it is under way. Thanks for the follow-up.


It could go either way. Once production is complete, it should get a more accurate ETA. :thumbsup:


**Note: Vin still does not show up in Sync My Ride website. Site needs to verify vehicle has Sync in it. I will update the day it actually shows up in Sync My Ride.***

Sounds right. I got the verify error you discuss. At about 10:00 pm on night my ride was to be built I went on syncmyride and it showed installs.


Sounds right. I got the verify error you discuss. At about 10:00 pm on night my ride was to be built I went on syncmyride and it showed installs.


Thanks Cory and Gatortailale! I am like an expectant father! Done THAT only once before, too! Plans are falling into place. Locked in on current incentives and eligible for ones on my delivery date of July 3rd.


Sounds right. I got the verify error you discuss. At about 10:00 pm on night my ride was to be built I went on syncmyride and it showed installs.

Good gouge(?), Gatortailale! :D

Thanks Cory and Gatortailale! I am like an expectant father!...
You’re very welcome, RonJrSVCMGR! I hope you’re getting the cigars ready! :smoke:


Good gouge(?),

I like the ending of the definition you linked "Sometimes synonymous with "p**p."

I can't take credit for the origins of the helpful tips, I learned all these tricks from VinceL :D But I'm happy to had off my bag of gouge to the next generation.

I like the ending of the definition you linked "Sometimes synonymous with "p**p."

I can't take credit for the origins of the helpful tips, I learned all these tricks from VinceL :D But I'm happy to had off my bag of gouge to the next generation.
Thanks for noticing, Gatortailale!

VinceL’s gouge is always good! :D:thumbsup:


Our "baby" is being "born" tomorrow, June 9!

10 Centimeters as we speak!


My window sticket came available yesterday!!! Shows a build date of June 14th...so I guess we're in labor now ....awaiting that birth!

Our baby was born on June 10, 2012? He weighed in at 4,732 pounds and is 197.1 inches long. He has dual moon-roofs on top and bright white HID eyes.

Currently awaiting shipment as a status.

We are proud parents!

Our baby was born on June 10, 2012? He weighed in at 4,557 pounds and is 197.1 inches long. He has dual moon-roofs on top and bright white HID eyes.

Currently awaiting shipment as a status.

We are proud parents!
Congratulations, RonJrSVCMGR; break out the cigars! :party:

My window sticket came available yesterday!!! Shows a build date of June 14th...so I guess we're in labor now ....awaiting that birth!
It shouldn’t be too long now, Sioux Falls; be sure to breathe! ;):thumbsup:


UPDATE: Status changed to "In transit; Shipped Rail-Railcar #TTGX983481 on Ramp 79 in Chicago, Illinois on June 12, 2012 at 01:00CT. New ETA of June 19' 2012 or 5 weeks from original order.

UPDATE: Status changed to "In transit; Shipped Rail-Railcar #TTGX983481 on Ramp 79 in Chicago, Illinois on June 12, 2012 at 01:00CT. New ETA of June 19' 2012 or 5 weeks from original order.
It looks like you’re moving right along, RonJrSVCMGR; it shouldn’t be long now! :D


It looks like you’re moving right along, RonJrSVCMGR; it shouldn’t be long now! :D



In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Hegewisch, IL Jun-13-2012, 02:41 CT Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Whescanne, IN Jun-13-2012, 03:26 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Dunscanne, IN Jun-13-2012, 08:06 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Arrived at Intermediate Point (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Ftwayne, IN Jun-13-2012, 08:17 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Ftwayne, IN Jun-13-2012, 10:14 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Arrived at Intermediate Point (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Fostoria, OH Jun-13-2012, 14:44 ET Jun-19-2012

www.syncmyride.com account active

Sync Confirmed Installations;

Sync Version - Gen2 V3.0.2


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In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Fostoria, OH Jun-14-2012, 16:00 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Colscanne, OH Jun-14-2012, 16:26 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Arrived at Intermediate Point (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Nsbellevu, OH Jun-14-2012, 16:35 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Nsbellevu, OH Jun-14-2012, 17:28 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Verscanne, OH Jun-14-2012, 18:36 ET Jun-19-2012

In Transit Arrived at Intermediate Point (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Conneaut, OH Jun-14-2012, 23:14 ET Jun-18-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Conneaut, OH Jun-15-2012, 00:37 ET Jun-18-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Girscanne, PA Jun-15-2012, 00:52 ET Jun-18-2012

In Transit Passing (Norfolk Southern Corp ) Farscanne, NY Jun-15-2012, 02:54 ET Jun-18-2012

